1. number / amount
the | amount volume quantity |
of + 不可數名詞 ⋯⋯的量 |
a large | amount volume quantity |
of + 不可數名詞 大量的⋯⋯ |
例: According to the report, the number(主詞) of students(複數名詞) attending college is(單數動詞) going down this year.
(根據報導,今年唸大學的學生數量在下滑中。)The amount(主詞) of money(不可數名詞) we need for the project is(單數動詞) not enough.
(我們從事該企劃案所需的錢並不夠。)A large number of(形容詞片語) students(主詞) are(複數動詞) attending the rally.
(許多學生都前來參加這場集會。)A large amount of(形容詞片語) money(主詞)(不可數) is(單數動詞) needed for the project.
This week, I have a lot of work to deal with.
Fred had to deal with a difficult customer at work today.