1. 主詞
例: That man(主詞) over there is(動詞) my father.
Honesty(主詞) is(動詞) the best policy.
Three years(主詞) is(動詞) a long time in politics.
(三年從政的時間是一段漫長的時間。)*此處主詞 Three years 雖然是複數,卻代表一段時間,指概念,故視作單數,使用單數動詞。
Three years(主詞) have passed(動詞), and I haven't heard anything from Paul yet.
*此處 Three years 表示一共有三個年頭已過,指實際的時間,視作複數,故用複數動詞。
In my opinion, we should close our office in France.
David’s back was seriously injured in a car accident.