Emma Lin is 23 and graduated this summer from Taipei University. She wants to work as a flight attendant. She is going to have an interview with EastWest Airlines, based in Taipei. The interview will be with EastWest Airlines' Recruitment Manager, Mr. Cooper. Emma is feeling prepared but a little nervous—she really wants this job, and is keen to impress Mr. Cooper. She is hoping her enthusiasm will compensate for her lack of experience.
林愛瑪 23 歲,今年夏天從台北大學畢業。她想當個空服員,即將有一次與東西航空公司面試的機會,這是一家總部設在台北的航空公司。面試她的是庫伯先生,他是東西航空公司的人事部經理。愛瑪自覺已準備充分,但還是有點緊張——她真的很想要這份工作,因此很想給庫伯先生留下一個好印象。她希望自己的熱誠能彌補經驗方面的不足。
Emma: (Walks into the room, smiling).Good afternoon.
Cooper: (Nods). Good afternoon.
Emma: (Offers her hand). Nice to meet you.
Cooper: (Shakes Emma's hand). Nice to meet you, Miss Lin. Please sit down.
Emma: (Sitting down). Thank you.
Cooper: Okay. Let's begin by asking why you are interested in working as a flight attendant.
Emma: Well, I enjoy working with people in a customer service based environment, and I am keen to see more of the world. Being a flight attendant would enable me to bring together these two interests.
Cooper: Certainly, it would. Miss Lin, there are many airlines—why do you want to work for us?
Emma: EastWest Airlines has a great reputation. I also think your flight destinations are fantastic, and I would love to work for such an international, successful company.
Cooper: (Glancing at his papers). Okay, good. According to your application form, you have no previous in-flight experience. What makes you right for this job?
Emma: Having worked closely with the public in other jobs, I am used to and enjoy working with people. Also, because this is what I really want to do, I'm willing to learn all the necessary skills needed to become a first-class flight attendant.
Cooper: (Nodding). Okay, excellent. And what skills do you think you could bring to working with us?
庫伯: ( 與愛瑪握手) 林小姐, 幸會。請坐。
庫伯: 好的。一開始,我想先問問妳為什麼想當空服員。
愛瑪: 是這樣的,我喜歡在一個客服性質的環境下,做接觸人群的工作,而且我很想多見識見識這世界。當空服員能讓我同時完成這兩項心願。
庫伯: 確實如此。林小姐,航空公司有很多家——妳為什麼想為我們工作?
愛瑪: 東西航空的名聲很好。同時,我覺得你們的航程目的地非常吸引人,我會想要在像這種成功的國際航空公司工作。
庫伯: (看了一下書面資料)嗯,很好。根據妳的申請書,妳並沒有空服經驗。為什麼妳覺得自己適合這份工作?
愛瑪: 我曾在其他工作跟人群密切接觸,所以我很習慣、也很樂於從事接觸人群的工作。而且,由於我真的很想做這份工作,所以我很願意學習任何必需的技能,好讓自己成為一流的空服員。
庫伯: (點頭)好,很不錯。跟我們共事,妳覺得自己有什麼技能能派上用場?
Emma: I'm an excellent, confident communicator, and I respond positively to new situations and challenges. I work well in a team or alone, and am experienced in delivering high levels of customer service. I also speak French and German fluently.
Cooper: Great. So, what do you think the most important flight attendant duties are?
Emma: To ensure the constant safety and comfort of the passengers, and also to provide outstanding customer service.
Cooper: That's right. And what is the most important quality for flight attendants to have?
Emma: That they are excellent communicators.
Cooper: Why is that important?
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Fill out the application form, and then wait in line.
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