Liz Murray’s life story is sure to leave anyone awed and inspired. Murray grew up in poverty with parents who were drug addicts◆. Both parents later became HIV◆positive, and Murray became homeless. In 1996, Murray’s mother passed away, and at this point, Murray decided that she wanted to go to school. At the age of 17, while still living on the streets, she enrolled in high school. Two years later, she was accepted into Harvard and received a scholarship◆. Despite taking several years off to care for her father, Murray graduated from Harvard before going on to become an author and motivational speaker.
Murray addressed much of her past in a TED Talk in San Diego, but she didn’t just share her story. She also talked about Ben Underwood, a young man that had his eyes removed at the age of three because of cancer. Afterward, Ben learned to use echolocation◆ to “see” his environment and easily move about. *As notable as it was that Ben was able to rely on sound waves to establish where things were, Murray found that his ultimate success was less important than the drive that Ben had to develop that amazing ability. As she asks, “What is it inside a person that refuses to say ‘I will label myself as blind’ and find another way?”
As Murray explains, this drive comes down to the “what if” voice. For Ben, it was: what if he could find a new way to see? For herself, she wondered what would happen if she went to school, if she got good grades, and if she applied to college. In asking these questions and acting on them, Murray argues that anyone can find new opportunities for themselves and their future.
The tourists were awed into silence by the ancient buildings. 那些古代建築令觀光客肅然起敬。
inspired a. 受到鼓舞的
Every time I see doctors trying their best to solve patients’ problems and save lives, I feel touched and inspired. 每次我看到醫生盡其所能地解決病人的問題及拯救生命時,我都覺得感動並受到鼓舞。
poverty n. 貧窮,貧困
Economic recessions lead to unemployment and poverty. 經濟不景氣造成了失業及貧窮。
positive a.(醫學檢驗)呈陽性的
negative a.(醫學檢驗)呈陰性的
Six residents in this building tested positive for COVID-19. 這棟大樓有六位住戶驗出新冠病毒陽性反應。
enroll vi. 註冊;報名修課(與介詞 in 並用)
About 100 students enrolled in Professor Johnson’s writing course this semester. 這學期約有一百名學生報名參加強森教授的寫作課程。
motivational a. 激勵人心的
Angela impressed the audience with her motivational speech. 安琪拉以其激勵人心的演說使觀眾留下深刻印象。
address vt. 提出;向……發表演說
Paul addressed some of the problems at the start of the meeting. 保羅在會議開始時提出了一些問題。
I feel honored to have this opportunity to address all of you tonight. 我很榮幸有這個機會在今晚對各位發表演說。
notable a. 值得注意的
The president’s most notable achievement was creating a universal health care system. 該總統最值得注意的成就是創設全國健保體制。
establish vt. 確定;設立
We must establish the facts before we take any action. 在採取行動之前,我們必須先弄清事實真相。
It takes quite a bit of effort to establish a successful business. 開創成功的事業必須付出很大的心力。
ultimate a. 最後的,最終的
The ultimate decision regarding who to hire will be made by the boss. 僱用的人選將由老闆做最後決定。
drive n. 動力,幹勁
Tony has tremendous drive, so I think he will do well in this task. 東尼充滿幹勁,所以我認為他會把這項任務做得很棒。
opportunity n. 機會
seize the opportunity 把握機會
You should seize every opportunity to speak English. 你應該把握任何能說英語的機會。
莉姿.茉芮的人生故事一定會讓任何人感到崇敬並受到鼓舞。茉芮在貧窮中長大,和有毒癮的父母一同生活。她的雙親後來都檢驗出 HIV 陽性,茉芮也變得無家可歸。1996 年,茉芮的母親離世,而在此時,茉芮決定要去上學。她在十七歲仍流落街頭時上了高中。兩年後,她獲准進入哈佛大學就讀並拿到了一筆獎學金。儘管茉芮為了照顧父親而休學了幾年,她仍然從哈佛畢業,接著成為一名作家及勵志演講者。