On Saturday, November 7, Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 US presidential election. The former vice president beat the incumbent Donald Trump in a close election that had captured global attention. The vote count took several days as states tallied up a higher-than-normal number of absentee ballots. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many more people were given the option to vote by mail across all 50 states. Biden was able to win several states that had voted for Trump in the 2016 election, which put him over the 270 electoral college votes needed to secure victory. President Trump filed lawsuits in several states disputing the results and calling for a recount of the ballots.
十一月七日週六,喬.拜登被宣布贏得 2020 年美國總統大選。這位前副總統在勢均力敵的選舉中擊敗了現任總統唐納.川普,這場選舉引起了全球關注。計票花了數天時間,因為各州計算的缺席投票數比正常情況多。由於新冠肺炎大流行的緣故,美國全國五十州都有更多人選擇郵寄投票。拜登得以拿下數個在 2016 年大選中投票給川普的州,這使他跨過獲勝所需的兩百七十張選舉人票門檻。美國總統川普在數州提出訴訟,他對結果提出異議,並要求重新計票。
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