文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley
In May, a French non-profit organization, Opération Mer Propre (Operation Clean Sea), announced that divers had found a large amount of “COVID waste” in the Mediterranean. The trash included gloves, masks, and bottles of hand sanitizer. Joffrey Peltier, who works with the organization, warned that this could be “the promise of pollution to come if nothing is done.” Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, billions of people across the globe have started using disposable products to protect themselves from the spread of the disease. The organization hopes that this new information will push people to wear reusable masks and swap wearing latex gloves for more frequent hand washing. Similar warnings have been issued by other environmental groups such as Hong Kong-based OceansAsia, which has reported discarded masks washing up on uninhabited islands.
新聞集錦 5 分鐘閱讀
Bruce, Angela, Wesley
In the beginning of July, China announced the first numbered flood of the Yangtze River for 2020 as inflow of water into the Three Gorges Dam reached 50,000 cubic meters per second. The “No. 1 Flood” came after torrential rains in the region that began in late May. The rains caused flooding that affected the Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Anhui provinces. As of mid-July, more than 100 people had been killed or were reported missing due to the floods. Tens of millions of residents were affected. Comparisons were made to flooding in 1998 which left more than 3,000 people dead and 15 million homeless and resulted in an economic loss of US$24 billion.
七月初,三峽大壩入庫流量達到每秒五萬立方公尺,中國宣布 2020 年長江第一號洪水形成。「第一號洪水」在該地區始於五月底的大豪雨之後來襲。這些降雨引起水災,對廣東省、廣西、貴州省、湖南省、湖北省、江西省、四川省、重慶市及安徽省造成影響。截至七月中旬,有一百多人因這場洪水而罹難或被通報失蹤。數千萬居民皆受影響。這場洪水被拿來與 1998 年的洪災作比較,當時那場洪災造成三千多人死亡及一千五百萬人無家可歸、並導致兩百四十億美元經濟損失。
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