
中文正式成為聯合國世界旅遊組織官方語言 Chinese Becomes Official UNWTO Language

2021 年一月二十五日,聯合國世界旅遊組織宣布中文成為該組織的官方語言
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中文正式成為聯合國世界 旅遊組織官方語言 Chinese Becomes Official UNWTO Language
其他被 UNWTO 認可的五種官方語言為:英語、西班牙語、法語、阿拉 伯語和俄語
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文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

On January 25, 2021, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) announced that Chinese had become an official language of the organization. The UNWTO recognizes five other official languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Russian.

The UNWTO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes economic growth, inclusive development, and environmental sustainability in tourism across the world. Formed in 1975, the organization is a global forum for discussion and debate on tourism policies and relevant issues. It has also put forth the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, which aims to foster socio-economic development through tourism. The code is also designed to help minimize 10 harm caused by tourism, particularly negative impacts on the environment and developing countries.

China has been a part of the organization since 1983 and initiated the adoption of Chinese as an official language in 2007. After the measure was proposed, the general assembly accepted the proposal and passed an amendment to the UNWTO’s constitution. In order to turn the amendment to policy, two-thirds of the 159 member states were required to approve the change. The required majority was eventually achieved in January 2021, at which point the amendment formally went into effect . Now that Chinese is an official language, all UNWTO documentation will be published in the language. The organization will also begin offering translation and interpretation services at all official UNWTO meetings and events.

To announce the news, the UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili filmed a video message during which he wrote the Chinese character for blessing and offered Chinese New Year greetings ahead of the holiday.

1. What is mentioned as a negative aspect of tourism?

(A) Economic losses.

(B) Harm to nature.

(C) Overcrowding of cities.

(D) Differences between cultures.

2. How long did the process take for Chinese to become an official UNWTO language?

(A) 7 years.

(B) 38 years.

(C) 14 years.

(D) 21 years.

3. What was NOT part of Pololikashvili’s video message?

(A) An official announcement.

(B) A holiday greeting.

(C) A translated message.

(D) A visual sign.


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

2021 年一月二十五日,聯合國世界旅遊組織宣布中文成為該組織的官方語言。其他被 UNWTO 認可的五種官方語言為:英語、西班牙語、法語、阿拉伯語和俄語。

UNWTO 是聯合國的專門機構,在世界各地促進旅遊業的經濟成長、包容性發展和環境永續性。 UNWTO 成立於 1975 年,是一個就旅遊政策和相關議題進行討論和辯論的全球論壇。它還提出了《全球旅遊倫理規範》,目的是透過旅遊業促進社經發展。該規範亦旨在幫助將旅遊業造成的損害降到最低,特別是對環境和開發中國家的負面影響。

自 1983 年以來,中國一直是該組織的一員,該國於 2007 年提議採用中文為官方語言。在提出該措舉後,聯合國大會接受提議,並通過對《世界旅遊組織章程》的修正案。要讓該修正案生效,需獲得一百五十九個會員國中的三分之二批准此更改。最終於 2021 年一月達到所需的法定票數,此時該修正案正式生效。由於中文已是官方語言, UNWTO 的所有官方文件資料都將以該語言出版。 UNWTO 還會開始在其所有正式會議和活動中提供中文口筆譯服務。

UNWTO 祕書長祖拉布.保羅利卡什維利為了宣布這一消息還拍了一段影片訊息,他在這段影片中寫下了中文字「福」,在農曆新年前給予祝賀。

1. 何者被提及是旅遊業的壞處?

(A) 經濟損失。

(B) 對自然的損害。

(C) 城市人滿為患。

(D) 文化之間的差異。

2. 中文費時多久才成為 UNWTO 的官方語言?

(A) 七年。

(B) 三十八年。

(C) 十四年。

(D) 二十一年。

3. 何者不是保羅利卡什維利影片訊息的一部分?

(A) 正式公告。

(B) 假期祝賀。

(C) 被翻譯的訊息。

(D) 視覺標誌。

Ans: 1 B 2 C 3 C

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