
★ 原來無聊不無聊 Boredom Is Good for the Brain

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原來無聊不無聊 Boredom Is Good for the Brain
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文章主講 Wesley

Most would agree that boredom is not a good thing, and people usually try their best to avoid it. Also, when individuals experience boredom, they want to get themselves out of it as quickly as they can . This is __1__ since boredom is a sign that a person doesn’t have enough stimulation . No matter how one looks at it, a bored person is also an unsatisfied individual—someone who is looking for excitement but can’t find it. Yet, researchers say that being bored can actually be beneficial .

stimulation [ ˌstɪmjəˈleʃən ] n. 刺激
unsatisfied [ ʌnˈsætɪsˌfaɪd ] a. 未滿足的,未得到想要的
excitement [ ɪkˈsaɪtmənt ] n. 刺激,興奮
beneficial [ ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl ] a. 有益的,有幫助的

原來無聊不無聊 Boredom Is Good for the Brain

Experts believe that boredom helps to develop a person’s creativity . When __2__ with the uncomfortable feeling of boredom, the mind is forced to try to find something interesting to do on its own . Thus, being bored __3__ people to develop their natural creative ability. Researchers say this is especially true and important for children. As a matter of fact, boredom is essential for their emotional and mental development.

creativity [ ˌkrieˈtɪvətɪ ] n. 創造力
creative [ krɪˈetɪv ] a. 有創意的
essential [ ɪˈsɛnʃəl ] a. 必要的,不可或缺的

原來無聊不無聊 Boredom Is Good for the Brain

Dr. Teresa Belton, a senior researcher at the University of East Anglia’s School of Education and Lifelong Learning, believes parents shouldn’t always keep their children busy. Kids need time to be bored; __4__, their imaginations may not fully develop. She says that children and adults these days feel the need to constantly be stimulated , and technology makes finding stimulation much easier. Yet, __5__ boredom in this way does not allow the brain the time necessary to be creative. Belton advises parents to respect the benefits of boredom and allow their kids’ creativity to bloom .

constantly [ ˈkɑnstəntlɪ ] adv. 不斷地;經常地
bloom [ blum ] vi. 蓬勃發展,繁盛,興旺

1. (A) profitable (B) invaluable (C) memorable (D) understandable

2. (A) faced (B) face (C) facing (D) to face

3. (A) expands (B) dismisses (C) motivates (D) annoys

4. (A) regardless (B) otherwise (C) therefore (D) instead

5. (A) running out of (B) living up to (C) getting along with (D) cutting down on


延伸學習|介紹 boredom 的衍生字與用法:

  • boredom [ ˈbɔrdəm ] n. 無聊,厭倦(不可數)
    I change my way of doing things from time to time to prevent boredom.
  • bore [ bɔr ] vt. 使厭煩/討厭 & n. 令人厭煩的人;使人厭煩的事或情況(可數)
    bore sb with sth  用某事使某人覺得厭煩
    Please don’t bore me with the details! Just give me a summary.
  • bored [ bɔrd ] a. 感到無聊的(修飾人)
    be bored with...  對⋯⋯感到無聊/厭倦
    Emma is bored with her job, so she is considering finding a new one.
  • boring [ ˈbɔrɪŋ ] a. 令人感到無聊的,乏味的(可修飾人或事物)
    This book was so boring that I didn’t finish reading it.


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

大多數人會認為無聊不是件好事,而且人們通常會盡可能地避免它。此外,當人感到無聊時,他們會想盡快讓自己脫離那個狀態。這是可以理解的,因為無聊是一個人沒有足夠刺激的徵兆。不管某人如何看待無聊這件事,一個感到無聊的人也是未被滿足的人 —— 尋求刺激卻遍尋不著的人。然而研究人員說,感到無聊這件事實際上可以是有益的。



Ans: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

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Brian Foden
Brian Foden
Every failure is a step to success.