
一九九○:網購崛起(上) A Brief History of Online Shopping

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一九九○:網購崛起(上) A Brief History of Online Shopping
在 2040 年之前,95% 的購物活動都會在網路上進行
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文章主講 Angela, Wesley


Online shopping is big business. Trillions of dollars of goods were bought over the internet in 2020. Although some people are still reluctant to shop online, it has been predicted by some experts that 95% of all shopping will be done through the internet by 2040. With the rapid growth in online sales recently, it’s easy to assume that online shopping only began in the last decade or so. It will likely come as a surprise then that the world’s first online purchase was made more than 35 years ago.

A British woman named Jane Snowball has the honor of being the first person to shop online. At the time, in May 1984, she was a 72-year-old grandmother living in Gateshead, England. A computer technician named Michael Aldrich modified Snowball’s television set and remote control to allow the elderly woman to place an order at the local Tesco supermarket. Using the remote control, Snowball bought eggs, cornflakes, and margarine from the store. The order was transmitted through telephone lines and involved computers at Tesco’s Gateshead branch and a library. After receiving the order, Tesco delivered the items to her home, and she paid for them in cash.

Snowball’s purchase is now viewed as a historic moment, but back then, Aldrich didn’t see it as that significant . It was done long before the World Wide Web and websites were invented. Aldrich said he considered what he did a fun experiment —he certainly did not foresee that internet shopping would eventually take off and become so popular. The main purpose of hooking up Snowball’s TV to Tesco was to try to help elderly people have a more convenient life, not to start a huge worldwide industry.


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

網購是門大生意。 2020 年有數兆美元的商品經由網路購得。雖然有些人仍不願使用網路購物,但有些專家預測,在 2040 年之前, 95% 的購物活動都會在網路上進行。隨著最近網購銷售量的快速成長,我們很容易認為網路購物僅始於過去十年左右。因此世上第一筆網購是在超過三十五年前成交這件事,可能會讓人感到意外。

一名叫珍.司諾博的英國女士有幸成為第一位網購者。在 1984 年五月,她當時是個七十二歲的祖母,家住英國的蓋茨黑德。一位叫做麥可.奧瑞奇的電腦技師改造了司諾博的電視機和遙控器,讓這位老太太能夠向當地的特易購超市下訂單。司諾博用遙控器從那家店買了蛋、玉米片和人造奶油。該筆訂單經由電話線發送,還用到特易購蓋茨黑德分店及一家圖書館的電腦。收到訂單後,特易購將指定商品送到她家,而她則用現金付款。

司諾博的那次購物現在被視為歷史性的時刻,但在那時,奧瑞奇並未將它看得那麼重要。這件事發生在網際網路及網站發明的許久之前。奧瑞奇說他將自己做的事視為一個有趣的實驗—— 他絕未預見網購後來會開始成功並如此受歡迎。將司諾博的電視連上特易購的主要目的是在於想幫助老人過更便利的生活,而不是開創一個全球性的巨大產業。

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Brian Foden
Brian Foden
Every failure is a step to success.