
風雨雷電之星期四 All the Days of Thunder

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風雨雷電之星期四 All the Days of Thunder
宙斯是天空及雷電之神, 經常被描繪成將閃電高舉在頭上的樣子
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文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

In dozens of languages throughout the world, the day Thursday is named in honor of a god associated with thunder and lightning. The particular god may not be the same across cultures, but the namesake is consistently a high-ranking deity that controls this specific weather phenomenon.

In ancient Greece, it was hemera Dios, the Day of Zeus. The god of the sky and thunder, Zeus was often depicted with a lightning bolt raised above his head. In Rome, people honored Jupiter (who was essentially their version of Zeus). In Latin, the day is called dies Jovis. The connection with Jupiter can still be found today in French, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish. In many modern Indian languages, Thursday (Guruvāra) honors Brihaspati, who was a god associated with the planet Jupiter.

When it comes to old Germanic dialects , Thursday was Thor’s Day. Like Zeus and Jupiter, Thor was a powerful leader who controlled the weather. Thor was still the god being referenced when the English word for Thursday emerged , but some translations suggest that the Old English word thunresdæg actually meant Thunder’s Day.

This similarity of the root of the name for Thursday among different cultures and languages is an example of a loan translation in which a word (or the root of a word) is adopted by another language as its own. As the concept of the seven-day week spread around the world, many cultures stuck with the theme for each day and just amended the name to match their particular god who fit the role.

What Did You Learn?

1. What do the gods Zeus and Jupiter have in common?

2. What term refers to the use of a word across different languages?


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照


在古希臘,星期四是宙斯日。宙斯是天空及雷電之神,經常被描繪成將閃電高舉在頭上的樣子。在古羅馬,人們尊崇朱比特(祂基本上是羅馬版的宙斯)(編按:木星 Jupiter 即因朱比特而得名)。在拉丁語中,這一天被稱為木星日( 編按:或稱宙斯之日)。今日在法語、葡萄牙語、義大利語和西班牙語中,仍可找到這個字與木星的關聯。在許多的現代印度語言中,他們以 Guruvāra 這個字來紀念祭主仙人,祂是與木星有關的神。

說到古日耳曼方言,星期四就是索爾之日。就像宙斯和朱比特,索爾是掌控天氣的強大主宰者。英文的 Thursday 這個字仍是參照雷神索爾之名而生,但有一些翻譯顯示古英語單字 thunresdæg 實際上是雷霆之日的意思。



  1. They are both gods of the sky who have the power over thunder and lightning.
  2. Loan translation.
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