
★ 打擊肥胖  英國政府出新招 British Government to Introduce New Measures to Tackle Widespread Obesity

英國政府 如今將肥胖視為國內最嚴重的公共健康問題之一
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打擊肥胖  英國政府出新招 British Government to Introduce New Measures to Tackle Widespread Obesity
英國超市將不容許於收銀臺附近陳 列不健康的飲食產品
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文章主講 Wesley

In December 2020, the British government announced several new laws to tackle the United Kingdom’s obesity crisis. The UK ranks extremely high in terms of its obesity rate. In fact, it has been reported that as much as 63% of England’s adult population is __1__ as overweight or obese . In addition, many children also suffer from these conditions. Given these __2__ statistics , the British government now considers obesity one of the country’s most severe public health problems. What’s more, this problem is of particular concern in the face of the pandemic. This is because being overweight or obese is believed to __3__ the impact of COVID-19 among sufferers.

tackle [ ˈtækl̩ ] vt. 處理/對付(問題)
overweight [ ˌovɚˈwet ] a. 過重的
obese [ oˈbis ] a. 過胖的
statistics [ stəˈtɪstɪks ] n. 統計數字/資料(恆用複數)
severe [ səˈvɪr ] a. 嚴重的
impact [ ˈɪmpækt ] n. 影響,衝擊

打擊肥胖  英國政府出新招 British Government to Introduce New Measures to Tackle Widespread Obesity
圖片來源:emka74 / Shutterstock.com

Regarding the new laws, first, supermarkets in England will no longer be allowed to __4__ unhealthy food and drink products near their checkout counters . Second, such stores will be __5__ from using junk food items in special offers, such as buy-one-get-onefree promotions . Further, it is not just supermarkets that will be affected by the new laws. Company websites will no longer be allowed to advertise junk food items for __6__ on their homepages. Also, free refills for drinks high in sugar in restaurants will be prohibited .

counter [ ˌkaʊntɚ ] n. 櫃檯
promotion [ prəˈmoʃən ] n. 促銷
advertise [ ˈædvɚˌtaɪz  ] vt. 為⋯⋯做廣告(宣傳)
prohibit [ proˈhɪbɪt ] vt. 禁止

These laws are to be __7__ from April 2022. The idea behind this delay is to allow supermarkets and other food-manufacturing organizations plenty of time to shift their marketing __8__ toward healthier foods. Naturally , there has been some backlash from the UK’s Food and Drink Federation (FDF). The FDF has warned that the new laws will have negative economic __9__ for manufacturers that are already feeling the economic impact of the pandemic. Not to mention the companies who are already facing difficulties in the midst of __10__ their trade practices in response to Brexit. Nevertheless, for the most part, commentators have hailed these new laws as a brave measure taken by the government in the country’s long-term fight against obesity.

shift [ ʃɪft ] vt. & vi. 改變,轉移
naturally [ ˈnætʃərəlɪ ] adv. 當然;自然(而然)地
long-term [ ˌlɔŋˈtɝm ] a. 長期的


(A) sale (B) strategies (C) banned (D) worsen (E) adjusting
(F) alarming (G) display (H) consequences (I) classified (J) enforced


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

2020 年十二月,英國政府宣布了幾條新法,力圖解決國內的肥胖危機。英國的肥胖率在各國之中排名居上。事實上,有報導稱英國有高達 63% 的成年人口被歸為過重或肥胖。此外,許多兒童也受這些症狀所苦。鑑於這些令人擔憂的數據,英國政府如今將肥胖視為國內最嚴重的公共健康問題之一。而且這個問題在疫情之下尤為堪憂。因為過重或肥胖據信會加劇新冠病毒對染疫者的影響。


這些法律將從 2022 年四月開始實施。延緩實施的用意是要讓超市及其他食品製造機構有充足的時間改變行銷策略,往更健康的食品發展。當然,英國食品飲料聯合會( FDF )已傳出一些反對的聲音。 FDF 警告,新法對於已受到疫情所帶來經濟衝擊的製造商將造成不良的經濟後果。更不用提那些因應英國脫歐而正在調整貿易措施上面臨困難的企業。但大體上評論家將這些新法譽為政府長期對抗國內肥胖的勇敢措施。

Ans: 1. I 2. F 3. D 4. G 5. C

6. A 7. J 8. B 9. H 10. E

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Mark Darvill
Mark Darvill
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