
多個劃時代創舉!Windows 95 邁入 26 週年 The Launch of Windows 95【本篇為全程英文講解】

Windows 95 是電腦運用世界中的變革者,可 與全球資訊網和高速互聯網的興起相媲美。
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多個劃時代創舉!Windows 95 邁入 26 週年 The Launch of Windows 95
Windows 95 引入了主頁開始按鈕、選單和工作列,從而簡化了開啟應用程式和瀏覽作業系統的過程
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文章主講 Karen, Chris

On August 24, 1995, Microsoft unveiled its Windows 95 software. This momentous event, and system, ushered in a more user-friendly computer experience. Windows 95 was a game-changer for the computing world, up there with the start of the World Wide Web and high-speed internet connections.

多個劃時代創舉!Windows 95 邁入 26 週年 The Launch of Windows 95 圖片來源:Paolo Bona / Shutterstock.com
微軟共同創辦人比爾.蓋茨 圖片轉引自:https://tinyurl.com/y4x2uvyo

Windows 95 was released at a massive launch event that was hosted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and comedian Jay Leno. Ads introducing the system ran on TV, accompanied by music from the Rolling Stones. Friends stars Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry were even hired to film a promotional sitcom. All in all, the launch of Windows 95 was a big deal.

The specifics of the system are now either so familiar or outdated that you probably can’t picture a time before they were around. Windows 95 introduced the homepage Start button, menu, and task bar, which simplified opening applications and navigating the operating system. Another new feature was the ability to create longer filenames, ones that could be up to 250 characters. Windows 95 also ran Plug and Play, which could automatically detect and install new hardware to the drive. The software system also came with the Microsoft Network application. This gave users access to email, chat rooms, newsgroups, and some of the first World Wide Web pages through a dial-up connection. Unfortunately, a monthly fee was required to use the application, and extra charges kicked in after just three hours of internet use.

Today, it’s unlikely you’ll find a computer still running on Windows 95. In fact, the software is so obsolete that Microsoft stopped supporting it about 20 years ago.

What Did You Learn? 

  1. What other important milestones is Windows 95 compared to?
  2. Which Windows 95 application was used to detect and install hardware?


  1. The start of the World Wide Web and high-speed internet connections.
  2. Plug and Play.
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