
詞彙測驗 Vocabulary Test(2021.12)

#單字 #108新課綱 #升學考試 #學測
12/7 解析英語




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詞彙測驗 Vocabulary Test
>> 5種塞車的英文說法一次搞懂。交通堵塞千萬別說 traffic was very crowded.




1. The doctor has been accused of _____ the professional code of ethics for disclosing his

patients’ information without their consent.

(A) suppressing (B) misleading (C) violating (D) disguising

2. The bright orange couch _____ horribly with the green wallpaper, and looks out of place

in the living room.

(A) clashes (B) clings (C) complies (D) coincides

3. I _____ agree with Simon’s assertion because there are still a few questionable points

worth discussing.

(A) namely (B) jointly (C) tenderly (D) partly

4. The _____ pizza and pasta models on display really look true to life, except that they’re

only the size of a thumbnail.

(A) nutritious (B) skeptical (C) miniature (D) collective

5. The soaring cost of rent in that thriving area has made rental properties unaffordable for

some _____ and driven them away.

(A) cashiers (B) tenants (C) bullies (D) peasants

6. We can’t put up with Michael’s _____ work anymore. He’s been adding to our workload

with his carelessly performed tasks and documents full of mistakes.

(A) sloppy (B) rugged (C) vague (D) hostile

7. After several days of negotiations, the publishing company finally reached a _____ with

their distributors regarding their commissions.

(A) nomination (B) compromise (C) discipline (D) fragment

8. Since the dangers of secondhand smoke became widely known, smoking has been

_____ in all public places in that country.

(A) isolated (B) outlawed (C) executed (D) abandoned

9. The average person should consume at least five _____ of fruits and vegetables a day,

along with some grains and protein, to stay healthy.

(A) undertakings (B) gatherings (C) offerings (D) servings

10. I don’t think we have a large enough budget for this event. We should remove some

_____ items from the list to cut down on expenses.

(A) irritable (B) variable (C) dispensable (D) accountable

Ans: 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.C

>> 蛋控一定要知道!! 「溏心蛋」、「滑蛋」...各種蛋的英文怎麼說?

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