
新聞錦集: 1. 八歲女童 成史上最年輕天文學家 2. 秋日美景不再 氣候變遷影響楓紅

1.The World’s Youngest Astronomer 2.Autumn Activity Threatened by Climate Change
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新聞錦集: 1. 八歲女童 成史上最年輕天文學家 2. 秋日美景不再 氣候變遷影響楓紅
1.The World’s Youngest Astronomer 2.Autumn Activity Threatened by Climate Change
>> 花蓮外海發生強烈7.2級地震 Strong 7.2 earthquake strikes off Hualien


The World’s Youngest Astronomer

        With a love for Star Wars movies, rockets, and space, eight-year-old Nicole Oliveira from Brazil is destined to do great things in astronomy. She’s been called the world’s youngest astronomer because she has discovered 18 asteroids in total. Starting at the age of five, she began attending seminars and talking to the biggest astronomers in her country.

        Oliveira joined Asteroid Hunters, a NASAaffiliated program that encourages young learners to make discoveries on their own. As soon as she started, Oliveira stunned others in the program by finding seven asteroids. Her teacher has given her rave reviews, saying that she “has an eye” for making new discoveries and can quickly find anything that looks like an asteroid.


Autumn Activity Threatened by Climate Change

        First, rising tides threatened people living on coastlines. Then, weather catastrophes wreaked havoc on forests all over the world. Now, climate change is affecting an autumn activity loved by all—taking in the hanging colors of leaves.

        Ecologists warn that there are three threats to leaf viewing. The first is that when droughts happen, leaves won’t get enough nutrients. This will cause them to turn brown and wither before changing colors. The second problem is heat waves. These can cause leaves to drop to the ground before fall. The third way in which leaves are threatened is by extreme weather. If hurricanes or typhoons happen later in the year, then the leaves can be blown off the trees in certain areas. If you love going out in nature and seeing trees changing colors in September or October, then you should be doing your part to help fight climate change.

>> 5種塞車的英文說法一次搞懂。交通堵塞千萬別說 traffic was very crowded.

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