
詞彙測驗 Vocabulary Test(2022.02)

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詞彙測驗 Vocabulary Test(2022.02)
>> 5種塞車的英文說法一次搞懂。交通堵塞千萬別說 traffic was very crowded.


1. Helen used GPS to _____ the restaurant downtown but ended up getting lost in the mountains.

(A) promote (B) notice (C) locate (D) discuss


2. You should seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to climb to the top of the mountain and see the magnificent view. The beauty is beyond _____.

(A) permission (B) description (C) exhibition (D) introduction


3. Residents in this region don’t have access to clean and drinkable water since it has become _____ in recent years.

(A) normal (B) fierce (C) cultural (D) scarce


4. The two countries aim to form a trade _____ in which companies can trade goods with each other and enjoy low duties.

(A) hardship (B) leadership (C) relationship (D) membership

本題紙本雜誌上(A)選項誤植為 hardshipp,造成您學習上的困擾,深感抱歉。謝謝。


5. The movie was considered superior to the earlier version and was an _____ success around the globe as soon as it was released.

(A) instant (B) absent (C) energetic (D) ordinary


6. Rita was promoted to regional manager last month, which means that she will now have a lot more _____ at work.

(A) disadvantage (B) consideration (C) measurement (D) responsibility


7. After listening to Eric’s report, the manager decided to adopt his idea and _____ a brand-new product that would be very profitable.

(A) deposit (B) capture (C) launch (D) transfer


8. The fighter pilot became worried when the plane that he was tracking suddenly _____ from his radar and was nowhere to be found.

(A) recovered (B) vanished (C) unfolded (D) emerged


9. Gary was fired from his job not only for his poor performance but also for being _____ late for work.

(A) merely (B) constantly (C) gently (D) traditionally


10. Jacob broke his leg while he was playing basketball; fortunately, the doctor said he would be fully _____ in about a month.

(A) mobile (B) sensible (C) portable (D) reliable


答案:1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A

>> 【英文整聊室】#03 「儘管、雖然」的用法

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