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Many restaurants take great pride in their quality of service. For many restaurant- goers, the service they receive at restaurants is almost as important as the food quality. However, there is a restaurant chain in Australia that has taken things __1__ regarding service. Guests at Karen’s Diner can expect the worst service imaginable, which is intended to provide an absurdly fun and unforgettable dining experience.
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Karen’s Diner is a burger establishment with locations in nine different cities throughout Australia. It is a theme restaurant known for deliberately __2__ its customers. In other words, the servers all behave in a very rude manner towards the patrons. Guests, in turn, are encouraged to act accordingly towards the servers. And __3__ the restaurant ensures that its patrons will receive bad service, it also guarantees delicious hamburgers and chicken wings.
Despite the rude language and __4__ between servers and guests, Karen’s Diner does actually have some rules of behavior. Any racist, sexist, or homophobic comments will not be tolerated. In addition, touching the wait staff in any way is off limits. Breaking these rules can result in diners being asked to __5__ and leave the restaurant, never to return. So, if you visit Karen’s Diner, feel free to have fun, but make sure you know where to draw the line between being rude and being offensive.
1. (A) at a high level (B) on a large scale (C) in a different direction (D) with a similar approach
2. (A)enduring (B) insulting (C) obeying (D) admiring
3. (A) even (B) since (C) unless (D) while
4. (A) interaction (B) comparison (C) obstacle (D) boundary
5. (A) pay off (B) fade out (C) settle up (D) hang around
答案: 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C
Many restaurants take great pride in their quality of service. For many restaurant- goers, the service they receive at restaurants is almost as important as the food quality. However, there is a restaurant chain in Australia that has taken things in a different direction regarding service. Guests at Karen’s Diner can expect the worst service imaginable, which is intended to provide an absurdly fun and unforgettable dining experience.
Karen’s Diner is a burger establishment with locations in nine different cities throughout Australia. It is a theme restaurant known for deliberately insulting its customers. In other words, the servers all behave in a very rude manner towards the patrons. Guests, in turn, are encouraged to act accordingly towards the servers. And while the restaurant ensures that its patrons will receive bad service, it also guarantees delicious hamburgers and chicken wings.
Despite the rude language and interaction between servers and guests, Karen’s Diner does actually have some rules of behavior. Any racist, sexist, or homophobic comments will not be tolerated. In addition, touching the wait staff in any way is off limits. Breaking these rules can result in diners being asked to settle up and leave the restaurant, never to return. So, if you visit Karen’s Diner, feel free to have fun, but make sure you know where to draw the line between being rude and being offensive.
The father takes pride in his son’s excellent performance in school.
This French course is intended to introduce students to the French language.
Tracy started working out, which in turn helped her get in shape and increase her energy.
The top floor was off limits to students.
Freddy is disliked by many of his classmates because he doesn't know how to draw the line between jokes and insults.
1. However, there is a restaurant chain in Australia that has taken things in a different direction regarding service.
本段一開始提到,許多餐廳以其服務品質自豪,而 客人也認為服務與食物品質一樣重要,但空格後一 句卻提到 Karen 餐廳的客人可以預期會得到所能 想像到最差的服務,空格前後句語意相反,可知應 選 (C),表然而在澳洲有一間連鎖餐廳(即後一句 中的 Karen 餐廳)對於服務是「以不同的方式」 進行。
2. It is a theme restaurant known for deliberately insulting its customers.
空格後一句提到,換句話說,服務人員都以非常無 禮的態度對待顧客,可知答案應選 (B),表 Karen 餐廳是以刻意「侮辱」顧客而聞名。
3. And while the restaurant ensures that its patrons will receive bad service, it also guarantees delicious hamburgers and chicken wings.
a. 空格後有兩個完整子句,但無連接詞,可知空格應 置連接詞以連接兩句。
b. (A) even 表「甚至」,作副詞,故不可選。
(B) since 表「由於;自從」,可作連接詞。
(C) unless 表「除非」,作連接詞。
(D) while 表「雖然,儘管」,可作連接詞。
•While Sally wanted to hang out with Jamie, she was too sick to go out.
雖然莎莉想要跟潔咪出去玩,但她病得太嚴重,無 法出門。
c. 空格本句的兩個子句語意有對比(不好的服務及美 味的食物),可知應選 (D),表「雖然」Karen 餐 廳確保顧客會得到不好的服務,但也保證有美味的漢堡跟雞翅。
4. Despite the rude language and interaction between servers and guests, Karen’s Diner does actually have some rules of behavior.
前一段提到,服務人員都以非常無禮的態度對待顧 客,客人也被鼓勵以同樣的態度對待服務人員,可 知 Karen 餐廳的服務人員和客人之間的「互動」 也是無禮的,故選 (A)。
5. Breaking these rules can result in diners being asked to settle up and leave the restaurant, never to return.
根據語意,破壞這些規則的客人會被要求「結帳」 並離開餐廳,之後再也不能來光顧,故 (C) 項應為 正選。
manner [ ˋmænɚ ] n. 態度;舉止(一般用單數)
• Once the clerk found out we were not buying anything, his manner changed.
以下介紹 manner 的常見用法:
a. manner 使用單數時,亦可表「方法、方式」。
• I watched how my apprentice operates the machine, and then showed him the proper manner.
我看著我的學徒怎麼操作這臺機器,然後示範正確 的方式給他看。
*apprentice [ əˋprɛntɪs ] n. 學徒
b. manner 表「方法、方式」時,常與介詞 in 並 用。
in a / an + Adj. + manner 以⋯⋯的方式
• When the baby cried, Joan held him in her arms and talked to him in a gentle manner.
c. manner 亦可表「禮貌、禮儀」,此時恆用複數。
• Mind your manners, Jimmy. What you just did was really rude.
d. manners 的常見搭配詞:
table |
manners |
餐桌禮儀 |
good |
有禮貌 |
bad |
不禮貌 |
no |
沒有任何禮貌 |
• In the first lesson about table manners, students will learn how to set the table and use tableware.
在第一堂餐桌禮儀課,學生會學習如何擺設餐桌和 使用餐具。
• The children in this school have good manners.
許多餐廳很以其服務品質而自豪。對許多常去餐廳吃飯 的人來說,他們在餐廳接受到的服務幾乎和餐點品質一樣重 要。然而,在澳洲有一間連鎖餐廳對於服務卻是以不同的方 式進行。Karen 餐廳的客人可以預期會得到所能想像到最差 的服務,這樣做的用意是提供荒唐好笑又難忘的用餐體驗。
Karen 餐廳是一間漢堡餐館,分店地點遍布在澳洲九個 不同城市。它是一間主題餐廳,以刻意侮辱顧客而聞名。換 句話說,服務人員都以非常無禮的態度對待顧客。然後,客 人也被鼓勵以同樣的態度對待服務人員。雖然該餐廳確保顧 客會得到不好的服務,但也保證有美味的漢堡跟雞翅。
儘管言語粗魯、服務人員和客人之間互動無禮,但 Karen 餐廳確實有一些行為準則。任何種族歧視、性別歧 視、恐同的言論不會被容忍。此外,以任何形式碰觸服務人 員都是被禁止的。破壞這些規則的客人會被要求結帳並離開 餐廳,之後再也不能來光顧。所以,如果你去到 Karen 餐 廳,你可以隨意玩,但要確保你懂得在粗魯和冒犯之間拉好 界線。