Historically, France as a nation has been predominantly Roman Catholic. These days, however, France is largely secular in terms of its culture, with many of its citizens having long turned their backs on traditional forms of religion. With this reality in mind, we may wonder why a church—specifically Notre-Dame de Paris sitting on the small island in the middle of the river Seine—remains so deeply rooted in the hearts of Parisians. When a fire caused great damage to Notre-Dame on April 15th, 2019, Parisians were horrified and shocked to see the destruction of their beloved “lady” (notre-dame being the French word for “our lady”). Sure enough, from the moment the fire was eventually put out, the French government began making plans for its reconstruction. So, given France’s secularism, what is it that makes Notre-Dame, a religious building, so beloved?
Notre-Dame’s popularity partially arises from the publication of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo in the 19th century. However, construction on the Notre- Dame de Paris began back in 1163 and took more than 100 years to complete. Since its completion, the Gothic cathedral has been forced to move with the times on several occasions, including two World Wars. Despite being attacked during times of political and religious upheaval, it has continued to stand tall throughout the centuries. The fact that it was effectively turned into a food storage space for a few years during the French Revolution shows the incredible ability of the cathedral to adapt to any situation in order to ensure its survival.
It is clear that for the people of Paris, Notre-Dame is so much more than just a church. It is part of the fabric of the French capital and, therefore, an important backdrop in a city they believe to be the cultural center of the world. Though consumed by flames just a few years ago, Notre-Dame will undoubtedly recover and live on.
1. What is the main purpose of the passage? (A) To criticize French attitudes towards religious traditions. (B) To explain how popular The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is. (C) To investigate what caused the fire that destroyed Notre-Dame de Paris. (D) To detail some background on Notre-Dame de Paris and its current status. |
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “secular” in the first paragraph? (A) Closely related to France and French culture. (B) Associated with the French’s ancient tradition. (C) Not directly connected to religious values or practices. (D) Strongly influenced by political beliefs and standards. |
3. According to the passage, which of the following about Notre-Dame de Paris is true? (A) It is located on a platform along Seine River. (B) Its construction was finished in the 1200s. (C) Its religious importance is admired by all the French. (D) It served as the most important religious site during the French Revolution. |
4. Which of the following questions about Notre- Dame de Paris CANNOT be answered? (A) What does the church’s name imply in French? (B) When will the renovation of the church be done? (C) Why does the church play a major part in France? (D) How did the church survive difficult times in history? |
答案 : 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B
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In terms of music, I like jazz best.
I would never turn my back on my wife if she became ill.
Smoking is not allowed here, so please put your cigarette out.
Taylor put out two albums in a year, which surprised a lot of fans.
Billy finds it very hard to adapt to the hustle and bustle of city life.
It’s hard for me to adapt myself to city life.
Though the composer is dead, his music lives on forever.
Most prejudice is rooted in ignorance and fear.
flame [ flem ] n. 火焰,火舌
• The car crashed into the telephone pole and burst into flames.
a. fire [ faɪr ] n. 火;火災
• Most animals are naturally afraid of fire.
• The museum was destroyed in the fire.
b. spark [ spɑrk ] n. 火花,火星
• The disaster started with a cigarette spark.
c. blaze [ blez ] n. 大火,火災(較正式,尤用於新聞報導)
• The firefighters are working hard to bring the blaze under control.
d. flare [ flɛr ] n.(瞬間的)火光,火焰
• Solar flares have an effect on satellite- based communication transmissions.
e. wildfire [ ˋwaɪld͵faɪr ] n. 野火
• The wooden hut burned down in the raging wildfire.
With this reality in mind, ... Notre-Dame de Paris sitting on the small island...
It is located on a platform along Seine River.
在英文中,要說明某城鎮、建築物等位於什麼地點 或形容河流、山脈等的地理位置時,常見的用詞有 sit、lie、stand、locate、situate,這些都有「位 於、坐落在」的意思。使用時可分為主動及被動兩 種用法:
※ sit / lie / stand + 地方副詞/地方副詞片語
• The redbrick building sitting on the hillside is where my grandmother lives.
• The ancient castle has been standing here for more than 500 years.
※ sit / lie / stand + to + the east / west / south / north + of + 地點
• The church sits to the east of the city hall.
※ sit / lie / stand + 距離 + from + 地點
用來說明某事物、建築等坐落的位置及與目標物之 間的距離。
• The mighty river lies two kilometers from the small village.
表「位於、坐落在」時,sit、lie、stand 通常 可以互用,但如果本身是較平面的事物(如河 流)時,較常用 lie,而位於有高度的地方(如 山丘)時,則較常用 stand。 |
※ be located / situated + 地方副詞/地方副詞片語
• The statue has been situated there for years.
• Our new office is located in midtown Taipei.
The small hill _____ a few hundred meters from my house.
(A) situates
(B) stands
(C) locates
(D) is lied
歷史上,法國一直以來都是個以羅馬公教為主的國家。然而 現今,法國這個國家就其文化而言,很大程度上是沒有宗教的, 許多市民長期以來都背棄了傳統的宗教形式。考量到此一事實, 我們也許會想知道是什麼原因讓一座教堂 ── 特別是坐落在塞 納河中間小島上的巴黎聖母院 ── 仍舊深植於巴黎人心中。 2019 年四月十五日,當一場大火對巴黎聖母院造成極大損害 時,巴黎人們看到他們心愛的「女士」(notre-dame 在法文意 為「我們的女士」)遭受的毀壞感到震驚與驚愕。果然,從大火 最終被撲滅的那一刻起,法國政府就開始製定重建計畫。那麼, 鑑於法國的世俗主義,是什麼讓巴黎聖母院這座宗教建築如此備 受喜愛呢?
巴黎聖母院的知名度部分源自於維克多‧雨果在十九世紀 出版的《鐘樓怪人》。然而,巴黎聖母院的建造始於西元 1163 年,歷時超過一百年才完工。自建成以來,這座哥德式大教堂有 幾次被迫隨著時代變遷,其中包括兩次世界大戰。儘管在政治和 宗教動亂時期遭到攻擊,但幾個世紀以來它一直巍然屹立。它在 法國大革命期間實際被改作糧倉好幾年,此一事實展現了這座大 教堂為確保其繼續存在而能適應任何情況的絕佳能力。
1. 本文的主要目的為何? (A) 批評法國人對宗教傳統的態度。 (B) 解釋《鐘樓怪人》有多受歡迎。 (C) 調查是什麼原因導致了破壞巴黎聖母院的大火。 (D) 詳細介紹巴黎聖母院的一些背景及其現狀。 |
2. 下列哪一項與第一段中的 “secular” 一詞意思最為接近? (A) 與法國以及法國文化息息相關。 (B) 與法國的古老傳統有關。 (C) 與宗教價值觀或習俗沒有直接關聯。 (D) 強烈受政治信念和標準的影響。 |
3. 根據本文,下列有關巴黎聖母院的敘述何者正確? (A) 它位於塞納河沿岸的一個平臺上。 (B) 它的建造於 1200 年代完工。 (C) 它在宗教上的重要性受到所有法國人的欽佩。 (D) 它是法國大革命期間最重要的宗教場所。 |
4. 以下有關巴黎聖母院的問題何者無法被回答? (A) 教堂的名稱在法語中隱含什麼意思? (B) 教堂的整修什麼時候完成? (C) 為什麼這座教堂在法國占有一席之地? (D) 這座教堂如何度過歷史上的艱難時期? |