請觀察以下有關發生在某個人行道上的事件的圖片, 並根據圖片內容想像其中發生的一個事件或故事, 寫 一篇英文作文, 文長至少 120 個單詞( words)。 文分兩段, 第一段描述左圖中所呈現的場景, 以及可能正在 發生的狀況 ; 第二段則敘述右圖以及該事件( 或故事) 接下來的發展或結果。
要將圖片內容轉化成文字,首先要運用觀察力分析畫面的來龍去脈,看清楚圖片中出現什麼,包括人物、事物、事 件、地點、時間等,把握重點細節後,再將觀察到的內容進行具體的描繪(description)。 以左圖為例,圖片中是人行道的其中一段,路面上滿是破碎的磚塊。接著將這些細節串連起來,融合成連貫的狀況或 事件。
在本段中,敘述右圖呈現的事件並推理出合理的發展,此時要運用想像力,以圖片畫面為開端,想像接下來可能發生 的事,寫出包含發展及結果的完整故事。 以右圖為例,圖中有一位老婦人跌倒在磚面不平的人行道上、一名女子焦急地在老婦人旁邊打電話。
第一段: Last Saturday, Susan went back to her hometown to visit her family because of a recent earthquake.
a. As Susan was on her way home, she noticed that several roads were closed off.
b. One street she took was damaged, and there were broken bricks scattered all around.
c. Consequently, she needed to walk very carefully so that she could avoid any possible risks.
第二段: Then she saw an elderly woman with a cane crossing the street from the other side.
a. Because the old woman was so weak, every step forward was difficult for her.
b. Susan wanted to remind her to be careful, but the old woman had fallen to the ground.
c. Susan had to call an ambulance to send the old woman to a nearby hospital.
結論句: Fortunately, the elderly woman only suffered minor injuries and was able to go home after treatment.
Don't forget to take your personal belongings before you get off the bus.
Billy always lets elderly people get on the bus before he does.
The road was blocked off because of a car accident.
My neighbor was having trouble carrying her bag, so I gave her a hand.