
✶紙箱對喵星人的 神奇吸引力 The Reasons Cats Love Cardboard Boxes

The Reasons Cats Love Cardboard Boxes
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紙箱對喵星人的 神奇吸引力 The Reasons Cats Love Cardboard Boxes
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        Compared to dogs, cats are mysterious animals. One thing that has been especially hard to understand about them is their love for boxes. Give a cat a box, and they are happy creatures for hours. You might not believe this if you don’t have a cat, so check out the internet. It’s filled with all kinds of funny videos of __1__ cats playing happily with cardboard boxes. The question is why do felines enjoy these __2__ so much? The fascination that cats have for boxes has puzzled many people, including those who do __3__ on animals. There are several theories that try to explain it.

        One is that cardboard boxes provide __4__ comfort for cats. For one thing, they have a somewhat soft surface for them to lie on. For another, a cardboard box provides an extra bit of warmth that cats love, especially when the weather is cooler. What’s more, cats also enjoy the __5__ of cardboard boxes. They are soft enough for them to bite, chew on, and scratch.

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        Another big reason cats like cardboard boxes has to do with their natural __6__. They like to surprise other animals and jump on them. A box allows them to hide and pounce on anyone or anything that walks by them while they are in a box. The __7__ space also makes them feel safe because another animal can’t sneak up on them from behind while they are in the carton. This sense of __8__ helps cats feel less anxious and get used to new situations more quickly, as a Dutch study suggests.

        Researchers from a Dutch university __9__ an experiment by giving half of the cats in an animal shelter boxes while not giving any to the other cats there. They discovered the cats given boxes had less stress than the other group and __10__ better to their new surroundings. As you can see, there are many reasons why cats love boxes.


(A) instincts (B) physical (C) enclosed (D) cute (E) security

(F) research (G) adapted (H) containers (I) texture (J) conducted


答案: 1.D 2.H 3.F 4.B 5.I 6.A 7.C 8.E 9.J 10.G


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        Compared to dogs, cats are mysterious animals. One thing that has been especially hard to understand about them is their love for boxes. Give a cat a box, and they are happy creatures for hours. You might not believe this if you don’t have a cat, so check out the internet. It’s filled with all kinds of funny videos of cute cats playing happily with cardboard boxes. The question is why do felines enjoy these containers so much? The fascination that cats have for boxes has puzzled many people, including those who do research on animals. There are several theories that try to explain it.

        One is that cardboard boxes provide physical comfort for cats. For one thing, they have a somewhat soft surface for them to lie on. For another, a cardboard box provides an extra bit of warmth that cats love, especially when the weather is cooler. What’s more, cats also enjoy the texture of cardboard boxes. They are soft enough for them to bite, chew on, and scratch.

        Another big reason cats like cardboard boxes has to do with their natural instincts. They like to surprise other animals and jump on them. A box allows them to hide and pounce on anyone or anything that walks by them while they are in a box. The enclosed space also makes them feel safe because another animal can’t sneak up on them from behind while they are in the carton. This sense of security helps cats feel less anxious and get used to new situations more quickly, as a Dutch study suggests.

        Researchers from a Dutch university conducted an experiment by giving half of the cats in an animal shelter boxes while not giving any to the other cats there. They discovered the cats given boxes had less stress than the other group and adapted better to their new surroundings. As you can see, there are many reasons why cats love boxes.


Words in Use
a. 神祕的
n. 生物
n. . 迷戀,著迷
vt. & vi. (使)困惑
n. (遊戲的)謎;難以理解的事,謎
n. 學說;理論
adv. 有點;稍微
n. 表面
vi. 浮出水面
.vt. 抓、刮、擦
n. 抓痕
vi. 偷偷地走
n. 偷偷摸摸的人
vt. 偷拿
a. 焦慮的;渴望的
n. & vi. 實驗,試驗
n. (住處)環境(恆用複數)
n. . 硬紙板
a. 貓科動物的
vi. 猛撲
n. . (裝食物或飲料的)紙盒,塑膠盒
Practical Phrases
compare with / to...

Compared with my plain boxed meal, Becky’s seemed like a great delicacy.

be filled with...
= overflow with...
= brim with...
= be full of...

My heart was filled with joy when I saw my old friend again.

for one thing, ... for another, ...
 首先 / 一方面......,再者 / 另一方面......

For one thing, milk is good for your bones; for another, it’s rich in protein.


chew on

Dogs need leathery things to chew on to improve their oral hygiene.

get used to + N/V-ing

It took Rita a long time to get used to country life.

For one thing, S + V

You should think twice before you accept the job. For one thing, the pay is not ideal. For another, the commute is long.


1. It’s filled with all kinds of funny videos of cute cats playing happily with cardboard boxes.


a. 空格前有介詞 of,而空格後有名詞 cats(貓),故 知空格應置入形容詞以修飾 cats。

b. 選項中有 (B) physical、(C) enclosed 及 (D) cute 符合條件,根據語意,網路上充滿了各種 「可愛」貓咪快樂地玩紙箱的有趣影片,可知答案應選 (D)。

2. The question is why do felines enjoy these containers so much?


a. 空格前有指示形容詞 these,故知空格應置入複數 名詞以被 these 修飾。

b. 選項中有 (A) instincts 及 (H) containers 符合條 件,空格前提到貓咪快樂地玩紙箱,可知道問題 是,貓科動物為什麼如此喜愛這些「容器」呢,故 答案應選 (H)。

3. The fascination that cats have for boxes has puzzled many people, including those who do research on animals.


a. 空格前有及物動詞 do,而空格後有介詞 on,故知 空格應置入名詞。

b.選項中尚有 (A) instincts、(E) security、(F) research 及 (I) texture 符合條件,根據語意,貓 咪對箱子的迷戀使許多人感到困惑,就連「研究」動物的人也困惑不已,可知答案應選 (F),且置入 後亦符合 “do research on...” 的用法。

4. One is that cardboard boxes provide physical comfort for cats.


a. 空格前有及物動詞 provide(提供),而空格後有 名詞 comfort(舒適),故知空格應置入形容詞以 修飾 comfort。

b. 選項中尚有 (B) physical 及 (C) enclosed 符合條 件,空格後提到紙箱有點軟的表面可以讓貓躺在上 面,可知有一個理論認為紙箱提供了貓咪「身體」 方面的舒適感,故答案應選 (B)。

5. What’s more, cats also enjoy the texture of cardboard boxes.


a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,而空格後有介詞 of,故知空 格應置入名詞。

b. 選項中尚有 (A) instincts、(E) security 及 (I) texture 符合條件,空格後提到紙箱夠軟,可知貓 咪是非常享受紙箱的「觸感」,故答案應選(I)。

6. Another big reason cats like cardboard boxes has to do with their natural instincts.


a. 空格前有所有格 their 及形容詞 natural(天生 的),故知空格應置入名詞以被 natural 修飾。

b. 選項中尚有 (A) instincts 及 (E) security 符合條 件,空格後提到貓咪喜歡嚇其他動物的習性,可 知另一個貓咪愛紙箱的重要原因應是和牠們的天 「性」有關,可知答案應選 (A)。

7. The enclosed space also makes them feel safe because another animal can’t sneak up on them from behind while they are in the carton.


a. 空格前有定冠詞 The,而空格後有名詞 space (空間),故知空格應置入形容詞以修飾 space。

b. 選項中僅剩 (C) enclosed 符合條件,置入後表紙 箱「密閉的」空間也讓貓咪覺得安全,因為當牠 們躲在紙箱時,其他動物就無法從背後偷偷靠近牠 們,故選之。

8. This sense of security helps cats feel less anxious and get used to new situations more quickly, as a Dutch study suggests.


a. 空格前有介詞 of,而空格後有動詞 helps(幫 助),故知空格應置入名詞。

b. 選項中僅剩 (E) security 符合條件,置入後表有個 荷蘭的研究證實,這樣的「安全」感有助於減少貓 咪的焦慮感,並且讓牠們可以更快習慣新的情況, 故選之。

9. Researchers from a Dutch university conducted an experiment by giving half of the cats in an animal shelter boxes while not giving any to the other cats there.


a. 空格前有名詞詞組 Researchers from a Dutch university(來自荷蘭一所大學的研究人員),而空 格後亦有名詞詞組 an experiment(一項實驗), 且根據本段時態,故知空格應置入過去式及物動 詞。

b. 選項中尚有 (G) adapted 及 (J) conducted 符合 條件,根據語意,來自荷蘭一所大學的研究人員 「進行」了一項實驗,他們將紙箱給了動物收容所裡一半的貓咪,而另一半的貓咪則沒有紙箱, 可知答案應選 (J),置入後亦符合 “conduct an experiment” 的用法。

10. They discovered the cats given boxes had less stress than the other group and adapted better to their new surroundings.


a. 空格位在 that 引導的名詞子句中(that 省略),子 句中的主詞為 the cats given boxes(有紙箱的貓 咪),其後有動詞 had 及對等連接詞and,且空格 後有介詞 to,故知空格應置入過去式不及物動詞, 以和 had 形成對等。

b. 選項中僅剩 (G) adapted 符合條件,置入後表研 究人員發現有紙箱的貓咪壓力比另一組貓咪來得 小,而且牠們也較能夠「適應」新環境,且置入後 亦符合 “adapt to...” 的用法,故選之。



和狗狗相比,貓咪是很神祕的動物。其中,特別難以 理解的一件事,就是貓咪對箱子的熱愛。給貓咪一個箱子, 牠們就可以樂好幾個小時。如果你沒有養貓,可能會覺得這 種說法不足為信,那就上網搜尋看看吧。網路上充滿了各種 可愛貓咪快樂地玩紙箱的有趣影片。問題是,貓科動物為什 麼如此喜愛這些容器呢?貓咪對箱子的迷戀使許多人感到困 惑,就連研究動物的人也困惑不已。以下有些理論嘗試解釋 喵星人的這種行為。

有一個理論認為紙箱提供了貓咪身體方面的舒適感。一 來,紙箱有點軟的表面可以讓貓躺在上面。二來,紙箱提供 了貓咪更多的溫暖,特別是當天氣比較冷的時候。再者,貓 咪非常享受紙箱的觸感。因為紙箱夠軟,可以讓貓又咬又咀 嚼,還可以用爪子抓抓。

另一個貓咪愛紙箱的重要原因和牠們的天性有關。貓咪 喜歡嚇其他動物並跳到牠們身上。當貓咪在紙箱裡時,紙箱 讓貓咪有個躲藏的空間,能猛撲到任何經過的人類或是東西 上。紙箱密閉的空間也讓貓咪覺得安全,因為當牠們躲在紙 箱時,其他動物就無法從背後偷偷靠近牠們。有個荷蘭的研究證實,這樣的安全感有助於減少貓咪的焦慮感,並且讓牠 們可以更快習慣新的情況。

來自荷蘭一所大學的研究人員進行了一項實驗,他們將 紙箱給了動物收容所裡一半的貓咪,而另一半的貓咪則沒有 紙箱。他們發現有紙箱的貓咪壓力比另一組貓咪來得小,而 且牠們也較能夠適應新環境。如你所見,喵星人熱愛紙箱有 許多原因。



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