Greeting other people can be much more than a reflexive action. A friendly greeting can open doors to all sorts of new experiences. There is even an international holiday to celebrate the power of saying hi, World Hello Day. It might sound like an odd basis for a holiday, but the story behind World Hello Day is quite inspiring.
World Hello Day originated in 1973, following the Yom Kippur War between Israel and several Arab states. At the time, people were fearful that war would break out again in the region. With this concern in mind, two American brothers, Brian and Michael McCormack, sought to promote peace and improve communication between countries. They thought that a day just for saying hello and sending happy greetings was exactly what the world needed.
The little boy was excited to see all sorts of animals in the zoo.
With his weekend plans in mind, Davey decided not to work overtime on Friday.
Tom’s mother urged him to study every day.
Kent made an effort to please his girlfriend.
You can strike up a conversation with people by talking about the weather.