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Travel can be exhilarating and have tremendous positive benefits. It can broaden one's __1__ and enhance a person's level of cross-cultural understanding. But along with these pros comes one significant con: stress. Waiting in long lines to check in for a flight, dealing with delays, and rushing to get to the boarding gate on time can all get on one's __2__. Fortunately, for travelers at San Francisco International Airport, there is the “Wag Brigade.”
Initiated in 2013, the Wag Brigade offers those at the US airport a sense of relief by providing animals that passengers can see and touch if they wish. The creatures __3__ the terminals wearing vests that have signs saying, “Pet Me!” The sign encourages people to physically __4__ with the animals.
You need to check in at the hotel first.
Thirteen players and a coach make up this team.
Can we make up? I don't want any lingering resentment between us.
Al went through a major transformation during college.
If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to call me.