
繞彎路比較近?飛機路線大揭密 The Shortest Distance between Two Points Is Not Necessarily a Straight Line!

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繞彎路比較近?飛機路線大揭密 The Shortest Distance between Two Points Is Not Necessarily a Straight Line!
地圖 上測量到的直線就不見得是最快的路徑了。怎麼會這樣呢?
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 科普園地  4 分鐘閱讀

Bruce, Angela, Wesley

  The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, right? Not necessarily! That depends on the scale of what we are talking about. True, the most direct path from one side of a room to the opposite side is a straight line. We can measure the span to prove this.


  • depend on / upon...  視……而定;依賴……
  • scale [ skel ] n. 尺度,範圍,規模


  However, when we use a much larger scope—a global scale, perhaps—a straight line as measured on a map is not necessarily the fastest way to move between two points. How can that be?

不過,當我們說的是更大的範圍 ── 或許是全球尺度 ── 那麼要在兩點之間移動,地圖上測量到的直線就不見得是最快的路徑了。怎麼會這樣呢?

  • scope [ skop ] n. 範圍;空間;機會


  Most maps are printed on flat pieces of paper. The most commonly used is called the Mercator projection, which projects the spherical world onto a flat, two-dimensional surface, exaggerating the size of the northern and southern polar areas. 


  • Mercator projection 麥卡托投影法(一種等角的圓柱形地圖投影法,在以此投影法繪製的地圖上,經緯線於任何位置皆垂直相交,使世界地圖可以繪製在一個長方形上)
  • spherical [ ˈsfɛrəkl̩ / ˈskɪrəkl̩ ] a. 球形/體的
  • dimensional [ dəˈmɛnʃənl̩ ] a. 空間維度的,次元的
  • exaggerate [ ɪgˈzædʒəˌret ] vt. 誇大


  Pull up a map. As you can clearly see, the island of Greenland—located up by the North Pole—is depicted as a huge landmass. As a matter of fact, it is merely two-thirds the size of India, which appears smaller as it lies much closer to the equator. This distortion of space on flat maps warps our impression of straight lines and of relative distances.

拿出一張地圖。正如你可以清楚見到的,格陵蘭島 ── 位於北極上方 ── 被描繪成一大塊土地。實際上,它僅有印度的三分之二大,而印度卻因為離赤道近得多而變得較小。在平面地圖上扭曲的空間曲解了我們對直線和相對距離的印象。

  • be depicted as... 被描述成/形容為⋯⋯
  • landmass [ ˈlændˌmæs ] n. 地塊,陸塊
  • equator [ ɪˈkwetɚ ] n. 赤道
  • warp [ wɔrp ] vt. 扭曲;使有偏見

  As an example, suppose you want to journey from New York to Taipei. Using a typical Mercator projection map, you would assume that the best flight route would be by heading west via the continental US and over the Pacific Ocean.


  • journey [ ˈdʒɝnɪ ] vi. & n. 旅行(尤指長途旅行)
  • route [ rut / raʊt ] n. 路線
  • continental [ ˌkɑntəˈnɛnt ] a. 大陸的


  In reality, that itinerary would be a considerable waste of both time and money. To show why, prepare a piece of string and get hold of a globe. With one end affixed to New York and the other to Taipei, pull the strand taut. Surprise! Now, you’ll have to concede that the shortest distance is going north over Alaska and Russia, then southward towards Taipei.


  • itinerary [ aɪˈtɪnəˌrɛrɪ ] n.(旅行的)行程,路線
  • get hold of... 拿來/找來⋯⋯
  • affix [ əˈfɪks ] vt. 附/貼上(常用被動)
  • taut [ tɔt ] a. 拉緊的





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Bruce E. Bagnell
Bruce E. Bagnell