文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley
The island of Taiwan has a great variety of climatic zones for a relatively small place. The northern half of the island is semi-tropical, while the southern half is tropical. If that isn’t exciting enough for you, simply head into the Central Mountain Range. Here you will find a temperate climate that is similar to what you’d find in most of Japan, the northern United States, and northern Europe. A feature of temperate climates is the change from autumn to winter, when foliage on trees changes color before falling to the ground. This transition is one of Mother Nature’s most stunning spectacles.
Since trees use sunlight for photosynthesis to make the food they need to live and grow, why would a tree want to shed its leaves before winter sets in? Plant leaves are more complex than most people imagine. They are filled with chlorophyll—the chemical that absorbs energy from sunlight and gives the leaves green pigment. Some leaves, however, also contain red or yellow pigments—or both—which are not responsible for photosynthesis. In the low-light, shorter, and colder days of autumn, leaves stop making food.
既然樹木利用陽光來行光合作用以製造它們生存與成長所需的食物,那為什麼樹木要在冬天來臨之前掉葉子呢?植物的葉子比大多數人想像的要更複雜得多。它們充滿了葉綠素 ── 吸收陽光的能量並給葉子綠色色素的化學物質。不過,有些葉子也有紅色或黃色色素(或者兩者都有),而這兩者不負責行光合作用。在光線較少、白天較短也較冷的秋天,葉子停止製造食物。
As a result, the green pigment breaks down, revealing the underlying red or yellow pigments. Around the same time, trees cast off the remaining leaves and let them fall to the ground. The leaves then decay and provide nutrients for the plant’s roots. Some trees, such as maple♦ trees, have red and yellow pigments in abundance. In September and October, the leaves start to change color. Whole forests look like they are on fire. Fortunately, they are not; instead, one of the true wonders of the plant kingdom is on display for all to see.
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