
哈哈哈!笑話一下吧! That Jokes Are Good for You Is No Joke!

講笑話給別人聽肯定是會讓他人感到快樂和 自在的一種方法
#篇章結構 #心靈·療癒 #娛樂·新奇
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哈哈哈!笑話一下吧! That Jokes Are Good for You Is No Joke!
你的笑話很老或很新都沒關係。與你的朋友分享吧。畢竟,「笑是最好的良 藥。」
>> ✶奇妙的龍蝦世界 For the Love of Lobsters

文章主講 Wesley

“Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep , and you weep alone.” This old saying points out the importance of enjoying a good time with friends, or even strangers. Telling jokes to others is one sure way to make others feel happy and comfortable.

Joke telling is anything but a new social phenomenon . While there is no known “original joke,” jokes have actually been around for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks wrote their jokes down in the Philolegos ( roughly 3, “laughter lover”) more than 2,000 years ago. The following is an example. __1__ Not wanting to hear mindless chitchat , the customer says, “In silence.”

Many Greek traditions were kept and maintained through the later Roman Empire. __2__ Many of his jokes involved “eggheads,” professionals who had much professional knowledge but little common sense. One of their jokes goes like this: An egghead doctor listens to his patient. __3__ The doctor responds, “Then get up half an hour later.”

In many cultures nowadays, a group of people—almost always a minority within a large society—become the “ victim ” of jokes. These are sometimes considered in bad taste , as in “How do you get a one-armed ( insert the name of a member of a minority) out of a tree? Wave.” __4__

Humor is so important that International Joke Day on July 1 and National Tell an Old Joke Day on July 24 are now practiced around the world. It doesn’t matter whether your jokes are old or new. Share them with your friends. After all, “Laughter is the best medicine.”

(A) “Doctor, whenever I get up in the morning, I feel dizzy for about half an hour and then I feel fine.”
(B) The humor is at the expense of the minority member even though it could apply to anyone.
(C) The famous Roman orator Cicero enjoyed telling jokes known to be of Greek origin.
(D) A talkative barber asks his customer, “How should I cut your hair?”


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

「 笑,世界與你同聲笑。哭,你是獨自哭泣。」這句古老的諺語指出了與朋友 ── 或甚至陌生人 ── 一起享受快樂時光的重要性。講笑話給別人聽肯定是會讓他人感到快樂和自在的一種方法。

講笑話絕不是一種新的社會現象。儘管「最早的笑話」已無從得知,但實際上笑話已存在了數千年。兩千多年前,古希臘人就將笑話寫在《 Philolegos 》(大概的意思是「笑聲愛好者」)中。以下是一個範例。一個話多的理髮師問他的顧客:「你的頭髮要剪成怎樣呢?」(編按:本句為雙關語,也可譯為:「我該怎麼剪你的頭髮呢?」)客人不想聽他愚蠢的閒話家常,便說:「安靜點。」


在當今的許多文化中,有一群人 ── 幾乎總是大社群中的那些少數群體 ── 成為了笑話的「受害者」。有時這些笑話讓人覺得不得體,例如「你如何讓一個獨臂(置入一個少數群體的名稱)從樹上下來呢?向他揮手。」這個幽默是拿少數群體成員尋開心,即使它可以適用於任何人。


Ans: 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B

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Bruce E. Bagnell
Bruce E. Bagnell