
★ 跟著爆炸頭老師 一起歡樂繪畫(上) The Timelessness of Bob Ross

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A military man becomes a legendary TV painter. 一位軍人變成傳奇的電視畫家
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 人物傳記   電子報精選文章 

文章主講 Chris, Minnie

    With his unique hairstyle, Bob Ross was perhaps an unlikely TV star. But he became an internationally famous painter after his TV show aired. For over 10 years, his show, The Joy of Painting , taught viewers how to paint.


unlikely [ ʌnˈlaɪklɪ ] a. 不太可能的
air [ ɛr ] vi.(電視或廣播)播放,播送


跟著爆炸頭老師 一起歡樂繪畫 The Timelessness of Bob Ross (示意圖)

   Even now, decades after the shows last episode, people all over the world still watch it. Why? The main reason is Bob Ross. His gentle voice and kind appearance puts viewers at ease. He also talks positively throughout every episode. For example, when he makes a mistake, he calls it a “happy accident.”


decade [ ˈdɛked ] n. 十年
put sb at ease  使某人感到自在/放鬆


跟著爆炸頭老師 一起歡樂繪畫 The Timelessness of Bob Ross (示意圖)

   Surprisingly, before Bob created his show, he served in the US Air Force for 20 years. He worked at a base in Alaska, where he saw snow for the first time. He also learned to paint there. Thus, many of the paintings on his show feature snowy mountains.


serve [ sɝv ] vi. 服役
snowy [ ˈsnoɪ ] a. 下雪的

    Bobs soft voice can also be traced back to this period. As a sergeant, he often had to shout and bark orders at new recruits. When he left the military, he decided he wouldnt raise his voice anymore. Thanks to his sincere style and presence on screen, Bob was able to truly teach people the joy of painting.


bark [ bɑrk ] vt. 咆哮,怒吼 & vi.(狗)吠叫
screen [ skrin ] n. 螢幕


  在 The Joy of Painting 裡 Bob Ross 創作了逾千幅畫作,尚不包括初稿和作品集中的版本,理論上藝術市場中應該要經常見到他的畫作,然而無論是在美術館或是網路拍賣中,Bob Ross 的真跡都寥寥無幾,究竟那些作品被藏在哪裡呢?
  據紐約時報報導,原來畫作全部都被放在 Bob Ross 公司(Bob Ross Inc.)倉庫的紙箱裡!這些作品沒有受到溫度控制保護,亦沒有專業技術的保存。被問到為何沒有出售這些價值不斐的畫作,Bob Ross 生前的商業合作夥伴 Annette Kowalski 只說她們從來沒有想過,「我們完全沒聊過這回事。」
  也許就像 Ross 在節目中一再強調的,繪畫非難事,他試圖證明所有人都能畫出令自己驕傲的畫作,因此更重要的,或許是啟發人拿起畫筆作畫,而非購買他的作品放在牆上。“See, it’s that easy.”,快動手跟爆炸頭老師一起繪畫吧!


You Can Do This    英文試金石

  1. Which of the following statements about Bob Ross is true?
    (A)    He put new recruits at ease in the air force.
    (B)    He often barks at the viewers in his show.
    (C)    He is now a sergeant at a base in Alaska.
    (D)    His show is calming and a joy to watch.
  2. What is NOT true, according to the article?
    (A)    Bob Ross saw snow for the first time in the military.
    (B)    The Joy of Painting was popular for decades.
    (C)    People dislike Bob Ross for his hairstyle.
    (D)    Bob Ross’ soft voice comforts viewers.

Ans: 1. D 2. C

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