
★ 冥想 App: 沉澱心靈的小導師 Guided Meditation Apps

過去一年,相關的 app 如雨後春筍般出現
#疫情 #心靈·療癒
9/25 生活英語


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People are turning to apps to learn about mindfulness. 人們開始使用 app 修習正念冥想。
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 發燒話題   本篇無講解音檔   電子報精選文章 

  During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have dealt with increased anxiety and concern about the future. Being stuck at home, many people have searched for ways to pass the time in a positive way. For some, meditation has been an excellent way to calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Over the past year, there has been a boom in related apps. They offer lessons in calming ones mind to better appreciate the present moment. A lot of them offer free trial periods or courses that users can try before buying.

  新冠肺炎疫情期間,許多民眾受與日俱增的焦慮和對未來的恐慌所苦。受困於家中,許多人於是開始尋找打發時間的正面方式。對一些人而言,冥想是安寧心神及克服焦慮的絕佳法門。過去一年,相關的 app 如雨後春筍般出現。它們提供安撫心靈,讓人更能珍惜當下的課程。其中有許多提供免費試用期或試用課程,讓使用者可以在購買前先嘗試看看。

concern [ kənˈsɝn ] n. 擔心,關切
calm [ kɑm ] vt. 使冷靜,使鎮定 & a. 鎮靜的
reduce [ rɪˈdjus ] vt. 減少
related [ rɪˈletɪd ] a. 有關的,相關的

冥想 App: 沉澱心靈的小導師 Guided Meditation Apps

   There are many guided meditation apps to choose from on the market. Each app has its own unique method to encourage gratitude and reduce stress among users. However, the basics of mindful thinking and meditation are the same, whether or not you use an app to guide you.

  市面上可選擇的冥想引導 app 為數眾多。每款 app 都有其獨特方法激發使用者感恩的心,並減少他們承擔的壓力。然而,無論使用 app 引導與否,正念思考和冥想的基礎概念都是相同的。

basic [ ˈbesɪk ] n. 基礎

冥想 App: 沉澱心靈的小導師 Guided Meditation Apps

   First, take time out of each day to consider the things that you are thankful for. To do this, it is usually best to find a place where you can sit comfortably and just focus on your own thoughts. With practice, anyone can learn to control their breathing (and thinking) in order to achieve a calm state of mind. If youre seeking a bit more mindfulness in your daily life, there are lots of apps to help you do it. Why not give one a try?

  首先,每天花一點時間去反思自己感恩的事物。要做這個練習,通常最好先找一個你能舒適坐下的地方,並只留神於自己的想法。透過練習,任何人都能學會控制他們的呼吸(和想法)以進入一個平靜的心神狀態。倘若你正尋求日常生活中能多一些正念能量,現在有很多 app 能助你一臂之力,何不嘗試一個看看呢?

thought [ θɔt ] n. 思想
achieve [ əˈtʃiv ] vt. 達到,完成
seek [ sik ] vt. 尋求




  1. 激活神經可塑性。
  2. 幫助腦部代謝與療癒。
  3. 重新形塑大腦功能及組織結構。
  4. 促進杏仁核及前額葉皮質區域產生更多神經元連接,從而有效緩解焦慮、壓力。


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