
✶恭喜發財!紅包拿來 Spreading Good Fortune with Red Envelopes

Spreading Good Fortune with Red Envelopes
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恭喜發財!紅包拿來 Spreading Good Fortune with Red Envelopes
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  Around the Lunar New Year holidays, it is common in Chinese culture for people to give money in red envelopes as gifts. These gifts represent sharing prosperity and good fortune with one’s family.

  The act of giving red envelopes started in ancient China. The practice is actually two separate cultural traditions combined over time. The first involves the importance of the color red, while the second relates to giving money to keep evil spirits away.

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 There is an old myth about a monster called “Nian” that would appear every year and attack villages. Later, villagers discovered the monster feared the color red and loud noises. After that, red couplets, clothing, and firecrackers became important parts of the Lunar New Year.

  The tradition of giving money is related to the legend of “Sui,” another mythical monster that would scare children during their sleep. One night, a couple gave their son some coins to play with to keep him awake. When the child fell asleep and Sui appeared, the coins burst with bright lights and scared the monster away. Eventually, people began giving coins tied together with red string. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that this traditional gift was replaced by paper money put inside red envelopes.


What is the article mainly about?
(A) The origins of red envelopes.
(B) The traditions of the Lunar New Year.
(C) The importance of money to the Chinese.
(D) The rules about giving red envelopes.
According to the article, how did people protect themselves from the monster “Nian”?
(A) They gave children coins.
(B) They wore red clothing.
(C) They offered food to it.
(D) They kept the lights on at night.



答案: 1. A 2. B


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