Are you considering adding a pet to your life? While most people only think of cats and dogs when they are looking for cuddly companions, many other animals also make great pets. Take the ferret, for example. This playful little creature makes for a great addition to most households.
Common ferrets were domesticated from European polecats around 2,500 years ago. They are one of the smallest carnivorous mammals and were originally bred to hunt rabbits and other rodents. However, they are now usually just kept as friendly and curious pets. The name “ferret” derives from the Latin word furritus, which means little thief. This name probably comes from their habit of taking small trinkets and keeping them in their hiding places.
All of Gary's favorite sports are violent. Take football, for example.
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The story derives from an old legend.
I keep in mind my grandfather's advice whenever I have a problem.
The stadium is very large and can hold up to 60,000 people.
I know he is a man I can always rely on.