
✶三分鐘的祕密 Beyond Vinyl: Exploring the Persistence of the Three-Minute Pop Song

Beyond Vinyl: Exploring the Persistence of the Three-Minute Pop Song
#克漏字 #音樂歌曲 #娛樂·新奇
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三分鐘的祕密 Beyond Vinyl: Exploring the Persistence of the Three-Minute Pop Song
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   Have you ever wondered why pop songs tend to be around three minutes long? This custom of the three-minute song actually dates back to the middle of the 20th century. In the 1950s, the small 45 RPM record was favored by radio stations over larger long-playing (LP) records. This __1__ was mainly because 45s featured only one song per side, as opposed to the five or six on LPs, making it much easier for the DJ to locate the specific track they wanted to play. Due to their small size, however, 45s couldn’t manage much more than three minutes of music per side. This restricted the length of songs and reinforced the brief airtime a song got on radio shows. Musicians who wanted to get their music __2__ on the radio had to adapt to this trend.

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   Over the years, music technology evolved from records to cassette tapes to CDs to MP3s to streaming, but this hasn’t caused the three-minute duration of pop songs to __3__. One reason for this was that radio stations wanted to fit as many commercials into a program as possible. This was easier to do with relatively short songs. Record companies also preferred shorter singles since their royalty payments were the same __4__ long songs were. Longer songs meant fewer songs played, reducing the size of royalty checks. Many music fans also favored shorter, more concise songs because people have short attention spans.

    With today’s digital platforms largely replacing traditional radio stations, these limitations no longer __5__. Even so, the average duration of a pop song in 2023 was still only three minutes and 15 seconds.

1. (A) reflection (B) frequency (C) symptom (D) preference
2. (A) play (B) to playing (C) played (D) was played
3. (A) fall out of fashion (B) keep up with the times (C) go into effect (D) rise in popularity
4. (A) whichever (B) whenever (C) no matter how (D) no matter what
5. (A) obey (B) apply (C) differ (D) behave



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    Have you ever wondered why pop songs tend to be around three minutes long? This custom of the three-minute song actually dates back to the middle of the 20th century. In the 1950s, the small 45 RPM record was favored by radio stations over larger long-playing (LP) records. This preference was mainly because 45s featured only one song per side, as opposed to the five or six on LPs, making it much easier for the DJ to locate the specific track they wanted to play. Due to their small size, however, 45s couldn’t manage much more than three minutes of music per side. This restricted the length of songs and reinforced the brief airtime a song got on radio shows. Musicians who wanted to get their music played on the radio had to adapt to this trend.


   Over the years, music technology evolved from records to cassette tapes to CDs to MP3s to streaming, but this hasn’t caused the three-minute duration of pop songs to fall out of fashion. One reason for this was that radio stations wanted to fit as many commercials into a program as possible. This was easier to do with relatively short songs. Record companies also preferred shorter singles since their royalty payments were the same no matter how long songs were. Longer songs meant fewer songs played, reducing the size of royalty checks. Many music fans also favored shorter, more concise songs because people have short attention spans.

    With today’s digital platforms largely replacing traditional radio stations, these limitations no longer apply. Even so, the average duration of a pop song in 2023 was still only three minutes and 15 seconds.


Words in Use
n. . 堅持;(不喜歡的事)持續(皆不可數)
n. 贊同,支持;幫助,恩惠
vt. 贊同;賜 / 給予、偏愛
vt. 以……為特色;主打(特色、功能等)
n. 特徵,特色
vt. 限制,制止
vt. 加強;補強(建築物);增援
vi. 進化 ; 發展為
n. 期間
n. (廣播 / 電視的)廣告
adj. 商業的
a. 簡明的,精簡的
n. 限制;缺點(可數)
adj. 健康的;合適的
adv. 充滿,非常
n. 合適 / 身
vt. & vi. 適合
Extra Words
n. (廣播或電視給予某話題、廣告的)播放時間
n. . 皇室(集合名詞,不可數);版稅(常用複數)
an attention span
Practical Phrases
date back (all the way) to + 時間∕時期

My mother's antique table dates back to the early 1800s.

According to scientists, these fossils date back to 2000 BCE.

adapt to...

A few people have difficulty adapting to military life.

fit A into B
 把 A 安排進 B

Mr. Brown has a tight schedule, but he will try to fit you in.

1. This preference was mainly because 45s featured only one song per side, as opposed
to the five or six on LPs, making it much easier for the DJ...


空格前一句提到,1950 年代時,比起密紋唱片,廣播電臺更喜歡 45 轉黑膠唱片,這是一種「偏好」,故答案應選 (D),置入後表這種「偏好」主要是因為 45 轉黑膠唱片每一面都只有一首歌,與擁有五或六首歌的密紋唱片不同。

2. Musicians who wanted to get their music played on the radio had to adapt to this trend.


a. 本題測試 get 作使役動詞的用法,有以下三種:

1) get + 受詞 + to + 原形動詞(表主動狀態)

The boss got John to contact the client.


2) get + 受詞 + 過去分詞(受詞與補語為被動關係)

The huge mistake got Ken fired.


3) get + 受詞 + 現在分詞(強調持續進行或主動)

Nina gets the computer working faster by upgrading the hardware.


b. 空格前的受詞為 their music(他們的音樂),音樂應是「被」播放的,故根據上述,可知答案應選 (C) played,置入後表想要讓自己的音樂在電臺上「被播放」。

3. Over the years, music technology evolved from records to cassette tapes to CDs to MP3s to streaming, but this hasn’t caused the three-minute duration of pop songs to fall out of fashion.


本句前半提到,多年來,音樂科技從唱片演變至卡式錄音帶、CD、MP3 及串流,而後半段以有對比語氣的轉折詞 but(但是)連接,可知即便科技已經進步,流行歌曲長度為三分鐘的這個作法仍未「退流行」,故答案應選 (A)。

4. Record companies also preferred shorter singles since their royalty payments were the
no matter how long songs were.


空格後有形容詞 long(長),根據上述用法,可知答案應選 (C) no matter how,以修飾 long,並引導副詞子句。置入後表唱片公司也偏好短一點的單曲,因為「不管」歌曲「多」長,版稅都一樣。

5. With today’s digital platforms largely replacing traditional radio stations, these limitations no longer apply.


前兩段說明,歌曲之所以多為三分鐘,是因為技術限制以及廣播電臺、唱片公司和粉絲的偏好所致,而本句前半提到現今數位平臺大大取代了傳統廣播電臺,表示前述的這些限制已經不再「適用」,故(B) 項應為正選。


as opposed to N/V-ing  而不是⋯⋯

opposed a. 相反的;反對的

The international company chose to invest in the environmental project, as opposed to constructing a new office building.


以下介紹 opposed 的其他搭配用法及衍生字:

a. be opposed to N/V-ing  反對⋯⋯

My wife was totally opposed to the idea of moving abroad.


b. oppose  vt. 反對,反抗

oppose N/V-ing  反對⋯⋯

I opposed postponing the meeting till next week.


c. opposite  n. & a. 相反(的)

Ian is calm, but his wife is just the opposite.


We have opposite views on this matter.


d. opposition  n. 反對;對抗

The chairman was forced to step down amid a wave of opposition.


    你是否曾想過,為什麼流行歌曲往往都大約三分鐘長呢?這個三分鐘歌曲的慣例實際上可追溯至二十世紀中期。1950 年代時,比起較大張的密紋唱片,廣播電臺更喜歡小巧的 45 轉黑膠唱片。這種偏好主要是因為 45 轉黑膠唱片每一面都只有一首歌,與擁有五或六首歌的密紋唱片不同,這讓 DJ 在找想要播放的特定樂曲時,變得更輕鬆得多。不過由於它們容量很小,45 轉黑膠唱片每一面無法置入長於三分鐘的音樂。這限制了歌曲的長度,也更強化了廣播節目中,一首歌能獲得的短暫播放時間。想要讓自己的音樂在電臺上播放的音樂家們就必須適應這個趨勢。
    多年來,音樂科技從唱片演變至卡式錄音帶、CD、MP3 及串流,但這並沒有讓流行歌曲三分鐘的長度退流行。一個原因是廣播電臺想在一個節目中,盡可能地放越多廣告。相對較短的歌曲越能實現這一點。唱片公司也偏好短一點的單曲,因為不管歌曲多長,版稅都一樣。歌曲更長,就意味著越少歌能播,這就減少了版稅的金額。許多音樂粉絲也都偏好更短、更簡明的歌曲,因為人們的注意力時間很短。
    隨著現今數位平臺大大取代了傳統廣播電臺,這些限制已經不再適用。即便如此,2023 年流行歌曲的平均長度仍

答案: 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B



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