
給我洋芋片,其餘免談 Fancy a Snack? Have Some Potato Chips

Fancy a Snack? Have Some Potato Chips
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給我洋芋片,其餘免談 Fancy a Snack? Have Some Potato Chips
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Bruce, Antony

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The story behind one of the world’s favorite snacks 世上最受喜愛的零食之一的背後故事

給我洋芋片,其餘免談 Fancy a Snack? Have Some Potato Chips

Everyone loves potato chips. Seriously, try to find someone who doesn’t and you’re bound to come up short. But how many people really know the story behind this beloved snack?


be bound to V  肯定會……

There are a couple of tales about the origins of this crispy delight. The first is credited to George Crum, who in 1853 was cooking in a restaurant, Moon’s Lake House, in Saratoga Springs, New York. A customer requested Crum’s famous fried potatoes. However, when the dish was served, the customer found the potatoes too thick for his liking. Crum sliced them thinner, but still they weren’t thin enough for the guest. The dish was sent back and forth several times. Angered, Crum eventually cut the potatoes paper-thin, deep-fried them, and sprinkled a lot of salt on them. His idea was to make the potatoes inedible, but instead he invented a tasty treat completely by accident.

關於這個讓你吃得咖滋咖滋作響的美味零食,其起源有幾個故事。第一個要歸功於喬治‧克朗姆,他於 1853 年在一間位於紐約州薩拉托加泉、名叫 Moon’s Lake House 的餐廳擔任廚師。一位顧客點了克朗姆名聞遐邇的炸馬鈴薯。但到了上菜時,這位顧客卻覺得馬鈴薯切得過厚而不合他意。克朗姆把馬鈴薯削得更薄一些,但對這位客人來說仍嫌不夠。這道菜就這樣來來回回地重送了好幾遍。一怒之下,克朗姆最後把馬鈴薯削到薄如紙張,拿去炸之後再於上頭撒了一堆鹽。他本來想讓馬鈴薯變得難以下嚥,但卻全然意外地發明出一種美味的食物。

be credited to sb  歸功於某人
too... for sb’s liking  太……故不合某人之意
liking [ ˈlaɪkɪŋ ] n.(正式,對某人或某物的)喜歡
slice [ slaɪs ] vt. 把……切成薄片 & n. 片,薄片
paper-thin [ ˌpepɚˈθɪn ] a. 薄如紙的,極薄的
deep-fry [ ˈdipˈfraɪ ] vt. 油炸
inedible [ ɪnˈɛdəbl̩ ] a. 不可食用的

給我洋芋片,其餘免談 Fancy a Snack? Have Some Potato Chips
Saratoga Chips (圖片轉引自 https://reurl.cc/0O3kxk)

There is a recipe, however, that came out before Crum’s invention. An 1822 cookbook, The Cook’s Oracle by William Kitchiner, outlines how to make “Potatoes Fried in Slices or Shavings.” It calls for cutting potatoes into thin slices and frying them in lard. There are two other similar recipes from 1824 and 1832, both of which mention Kitchiner.

然而早在克朗姆的發明出現之前,就已經有了這樣的食譜。1822 年由威廉‧基奇納所寫的一本料理書便概述了如何做「馬鈴薯油炸切片或削片」這道菜。這個做法需要將馬鈴薯切成薄片後,再以豬油油炸。還有其他兩個類似食譜分別出自 1824 和 1832 年,而且兩者都提到了基奇納。

shavings [ ˈʃevɪŋz ] n. 削片(恆用複數)
call for...  需要……
lard [ lɑrd ] n. 豬油



There are two other similar recipes from 1824 and 1832, both of which mention Kitchiner.

1. 本句使用「主要子句 + 逗點 + 數量詞 + of + 關係代名詞(whom / which)引導的形容詞子句」的句構。許多人在寫作時常會誤用受格 them,而不用關係代名詞 whom / which,造成兩句不連接的錯誤句構。

Al has some friends, most of them are boys. (X)
Al has some friends, most of whom are boys. (O)

2. 本句以逗號隔開兩句,故須用關係代名詞 which(代替物)或 whom(代替人)來代替先行詞,不可用 that。

Ed donated his toys, some of that are new. (X)
Ed donated his toys, some of which are new. (O)

3. 除文中的 both 外,常用數量詞尚有 one、two、few、some、several、many、much、any、all、none、either、neither、half、a lot of、a quarter of 等,以及分數和百分比。

The factory hired new workers, half of whom are foreigners.



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