
超乎想像的可愛生物 —— 袋熊 Amazing Wombats

Amazing Wombats
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超乎想像的可愛生物 —— 袋熊 Amazing Wombats
去年夏天有近十億隻動物葬身於澳洲森林大火中。當時要不是有 袋熊,這個數目會更多。大火開始蔓延時,袋熊這類生物欣然接受兔 子、蜥蜴以及其他動物進入牠們地下的窩。
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Last summer, nearly one billion animals died in the Australian bushfires. That number would have been even higher if it had not been for wombats. When the fires started, these creatures welcomed rabbits, lizards, and other animals into their underground homes. By allowing them to stay in their tunnels, wombats saved many lives. Yet, these fascinating creatures remain a mystery to most people living outside of Australia.

     Wombats are small, furry mammals that are native to Australia. There are three wombat species which are all quite similar. However, there are some differences between them. Northern and Southern wombats have furry noses, while common wombats have smaller, hairier ears that make them look like tiny Ewoks. You shouldn’t let the appearance of wombats fool you, though. Despite their size, they are extremely fast. They can run as fast as an Olympic runner, but only for a minute or so.

      Wombats also love to eat. On average, wombats spend three to eight hours every day eating grass and plants. Yet, if necessary, wombats can survive for several days without food due to their slow metabolism. This trait can come in handy when a wombat is being hunted by predators or if they get trapped in a tunnel.

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