
✶ 超乎想像的可愛生物 —— 袋熊 Amazing Wombats

Amazing Wombats
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✶ 超乎想像的可愛生物 —— 袋熊 Amazing Wombats
澳洲人於 2005 年宣布10/22為袋熊日,以此表示對袋熊的讚賞
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Chris, Antony

01:10 第一段
09:25 第二段
17:20 第三段
20:25 單字複習

澳洲超萌的動物英雄 Australia’s adorable animal heroes

超乎想像的可愛生物 —— 袋熊 Amazing Wombats

Wombats are most famous for their cube-shaped poop. Some poop out 100 cubes in a single day. They often pile up their poo as a way to mark their territory. When this strategy doesn’t work, wombats will occasionally fight over land. These battles start with two wombats charging at one another, trying to knock each other over. To humans, this scene looks like two teddy bears being pushed together. Fights usually end when one wombat backs down, which allows them both to go on to fight another day.


cube-shaped [ ˈkjubˌʃept ] a. 立方體形的
poop [ pup ] n. 糞便(不可數)& vi. 上大號,排便
poo [ pu ] n. 糞便
territory [ `tErJ"tOrI ] n. 地盤;領土

超乎想像的可愛生物 —— 袋熊 Amazing Wombats

When wombats aren’t eating or fighting, they enjoy showing off their digging skills. Wombats make great architects, as they use their long, sharp claws to dig large burrows. If anything gets in their way, they use their powerful teeth to chew through it. Wombat burrows are complex and have multiple entrances. Quite often, wombats will live in a single burrow for their entire lives. They frequently dig tunnels to connect to nearby burrows, which creates a little underground wombat neighborhood.


architect [ ˈɑrkɪˌtɛkt ] n. 建築師
chew [ tʃu ] vi. 咀嚼;嚼碎

In 2005, Australians showed their appreciation for wombats by declaring October 22 Wombat Day. To celebrate the occasion, people bake wombat-shaped chocolate cakes while sharing facts about their little furry neighbors. 

澳洲人於 2005 年宣布十月二十二日為「袋熊日」,以此表示對袋熊的讚賞。為了慶祝這一節日,人們會烘烤袋熊形狀的巧克力蛋糕,同時也分享有關這群毛茸茸小鄰居的大小事。

show / express sb´s appreciation  表示某人的感謝∕感激



  1. 擁有特殊的育兒袋:
  2. 特殊的臀部絕招:
    當袋熊在野外遇到袋獾(Tasmanian devil)、澳洲野狗(dingo)等捕食者時,牠們會利用自己的臀部來保護自己。因為袋熊沒有尾巴,且其臀部主要由軟骨所組成,因此,牠們會用臀部來抵禦、對抗獵捕食者的攻擊,還會用臀部或背部在洞口阻止入侵者入侵。
  3. 媲美短跑選手的奔跑速度:


You Can Do This

1.    Which of the following is NOT mentioned about wombats?
(A)    Their surprising speed.
(B)    Their huge appetite. 
(C)    Their unique poop.
(D)    Their swimming ability.
2.    Which of the following best describes a wombat’s home?
(A)    A hollow space in the ground. 
(B)    A stack of wood near water.
(C)    A hole dug into a tree trunk.
(D)    A pile of poop and rocks in the woods.



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You Can Do This: 1. D 2. A

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