
★ 永不停歇的雷暴 The Never- Ending Lightning Storm

The Never- Ending Lightning Storm
#克漏字 #休閒旅遊 #氣候
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★ 永不停歇的雷暴 The Never- Ending Lightning Storm
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遊客蜂擁至馬拉卡波一睹世界上分布最密集的閃電。 Tourists flock to Maracaibo to enjoy the highest concentration of lightning in the world.

       Thunder and lightning usually means it’s time to go inside and wait for the storm to pass. But _(1)_ it never stops? Welcome to Maracaibo, Venezuela, where the Catatumbo River meets Lake Maracaibo. In the skies over the lake, a lightning storm appears around 150 nights per year, sometimes for 10 hours per day with up to 280 lightning strikes per hour. _(2)_ this, Maracaibo holds the world record for the “Highest Concentration of Lightning,” as over 250 lightning flashes per square kilometer have been recorded there. During the wet season, the lightning bolts can appear every other second for hours on end.

concentration [ ˌkɑnsɛnˈtreʃən ] n. 密度;濃度
a lightning strike  雷擊
a lightning flash  閃電
a lightning bolt  閃電

永不停歇的雷暴 The Never- Ending Lightning Storm

   So why does this happen? Experts are puzzled and at one time thought that high levels of methane or uranium caused the storms, but that didn’t prove to be true. Most likely, geography is to _(3)_. The lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, so warm, moist air flows in one direction. At the same time, cooler air from the surface flows in the other direction. This is the best _(4)_ for what causes a very entertaining lightning storm nearly every night. Strangely, in 2010, the storm suddenly stopped, _(5)_ everyone wondering why. But months later, just as mysteriously, it started back up again.

methane [ ˈmɛθen ] n. 甲烷
uranium [ juˈrenɪəm ] n. 鈾(核能發電所需的燃料)
  1. (A) what for (B) what if (C) how come (D) how about
  2. (A) Because of (B) According to (C) Regardless of (D) Compared to
  3. (A) bless (B) blend (C) bloom (D) blame
  4. (A) prediction (B) observation (C) explanation (D) calculation
  5. (A) left (B) leaves (C) to leave (D) leaving


   為什麼會發生這種情況呢?這個現象讓專家一頭霧水,他們一度認為高濃度的甲烷或是鈾導致了雷暴,不過這些說法都經證實為非。地理環境是最有可能的主因。這座湖三面環山,所以溫暖且潮濕的空氣只能往一個方向流動。在此同時,地表較冷的空氣則朝反方向流動。對於是什麼造成每晚幾乎都會出現有趣雷暴,這是最好的解釋。奇特的是,在 2010 年,雷暴突然停止了,讓所有人揣測背後的原因。可是幾個月後,雷暴又一樣奇異地再次開始了。


1. (B)  2. (A)  3. (D)  4. (C)  5. (D)

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