Knight v Snail VIII: Switcheroo! It's a Monkey This Time (from the Gorleston Psalter, England (Suffolk), 1310-1324, Add MS 49622, f. 210v) (圖片轉引自
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文章主講 Bruce, Antony
In 2020, scientists discovered an unusual historical object in northern England. It is a small silver figure of a snail shell resting on top of a goat’ s back. On the top of the shell, a knight is seated with his hands pressed together like he ’ s praying . At first, experts thought it was created to present a serious message. However, after examining it a bit closer, they concluded that it was designed to make people laugh. In other words, they probably discovered an ancient meme.
在 2020 年,科學家在英格蘭北部發現一個特殊的歷史文物。那是一個小型的銀製塑像,雕刻的是一個在山羊背上的蝸牛殼。在殼上面坐著一個雙手合十的騎士,狀似在祈禱。一開始,專家們認為這個雕塑是創造來傳達一個嚴肅的訊息。然而,在更進一步的研究之後,他們斷定這是設計來博君一笑的。換句話說,他們可能找到了一個古老的迷因。
It wasn ’ t an easy task coming to this conclusion , as the piece is filled with hidden meanings. During medieval times, snails represented cowards. The image of knights defeating snails in battle was often used to show good defeating evil. In addition, the knight ’ s hands pressed together in prayer might suggest the artwork has religious meanings.
However, the artist meant to make the figure look silly. It might have been a way to make fun of knights who were slow to act when they were called on . Or, it was used to tease those who avoided combat by using religion as an excuse.
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Ans: 1. prayed 2. called on
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