In vintage fashion, everything old is new again.
The fashion industry moves in seasonal cycles—usually defined by collections for spring/summer and fall/winter. Each year, famous designers create new looks that they hope will be the next big thing. However, there is one stubborn fashion trend that plays on a different timeline.
Vintage fashion moves at a much slower pace.The movement began around the time of the First World War due to the lack of clothing fabric. For an item to be considered vintage, it has to be 20 to 100 years old. Anything older than 100 years is called antique. Many clothing companies are now using old patterns and styles to make new clothing, and these imitation items are described as retro.
For an item to be truly vintage, it should be representative of a specific trend or style from its era. Some good examples of classic vintage items would be a blazer from the 1980s with shoulder pads, a pair of flowing bell-bottoms from the 1960s, or an oversized sweatshirt from the 1990s. Many young people like to go through the closets of their parents to see if any old items can be brought back in style.
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Post-industrial society is changing at a rapid pace.
Jenny is described as a kind and warm girl.
The dove is representative of peace.
Are your opinions representative of those of the other staff?
These kinds of jeans are no longer in style.
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This hairstyle has long been out of style, so you should change it.
1. 這雙鞋款在 1970 年代是相當具有代表性的。
This pair of shoes is quite _____________ of the 1970s.
2. 這副窗簾的圖案真醜。買一副新的吧。
The _________ of this curtain is really ugly. Buy a new one.
3. 一件好看的牛仔褲永遠不會退流行。
A good-looking pair of jeans will never go _____________________.
答案:1. representative 2. pattern 3. out of style
時尚產業隨著季節循環更迭,通常被分為春夏跟秋冬系列。每一 年,知名設計師都會創作許多新樣貌,希望能大紅大紫。然而,有一 種倔強的時尚潮流卻在不同的時間線上發光發熱。
復古時尚以一個緩慢許多的步調發展。這個變遷約莫始於第一次 世界大戰時期,原因是缺乏衣料。一個被視為復古的物品必須要具有 二十至一百年的歷史。任何百年以上的都稱為古董。現今許多服飾公 司會使用舊的圖案和款式來製作新衣服,這些模仿的物品則被稱為仿 古。
一個東西要真的表現復古,必須具有該時代特定趨勢或風格的代 表性。一些經典復古品項的例子有 1980 年代飾有墊肩的西裝外套、 1960 年代飄逸的喇叭褲,或 1990 年代的超大號運動衫等。許多年 輕人喜歡翻父母親的衣櫃,尋找能重返流行的老衣物。