A 題組
1. 為了提供臨時雨傘給有需要的人,臺北捷運(Taipei Metro)推出共享雨傘服務。
2. 這項租借服務旨在省去使用者多買和處理傘的麻煩。
1. 第一題可譯為:
To provide temporary umbrellas for those in need, Taipei Metro has introduced a shared umbrella service.
2. 第二題可譯為:
The rental service aims to spare users the trouble of unnecessary purchases and disposal of umbrellas.
B 題組
1. 我們應以理性方式看待社群媒體上的「完美」照片,因為這些圖像也許是編輯過的。
2. 不要比較自己與他人的生活或外貌,因為這可能會帶來壓力和焦慮。
1. 第一題可譯為:
We should approach “perfect” photos on social media in a rational manner since these images might have been edited.
2. 第二題可譯為:
Do not compare your life or appearance to that of others because it can lead to stress and anxiety.
This charity helps Africans in need eat well and stay warm.
A kind woman helped Tina when she was in need.
Richard aims to retire before he is fifty.
理查打算在 50 歲前退休。
Life is often compared to a long journey.
Some parents like to compare their kids with other kids.
The driver's carelessness led to the accident.