文章主講 賴世雄
1. 反問句( tag question )又稱附加問句,變化的基本原則為:敘述句為肯定句時,後接否定反問句;敘述句為否定句時,則接肯定反問句。
He is nice, isn ’t he? (他人不錯,是不是?)
He can ’t sing, can he? (他不會唱歌,是不是?)
2. 反問句有五個基本句型:
a. 敘述句中有 be 動詞時,以該 be 動詞形成反問。
He is clever, isn ’t he? (他很聰明,是不是?)
You are not coming, are you? (你不會來,是不是?)
b. 敘述句有助動詞( will 、 shall 、 can 、 have 等)時,以該助動詞形成反問。
He hasn ’t done it yet, has he? (他還沒做這件事,是不是?)
He will come, won ’t he? (他會來,是不是?)
c. 敘述句只有動詞時,按主詞人稱及該動詞時態,置 do 、 does 、 did 形成反問。
He arrived late, didn ’ t he? (他遲到了,是不是?)
He never sings, does he? (他從不唱歌,是不是?)
d. 命令句(即以原形動詞起首的句子)出現時,反問句除了最常用的 will you 外,還可以用 won’t you 、would you 、 can you 、 can’t you 、 could you 。
Study hard, will you? (要用功,好不好?)
Let me go, will you? (讓我走,好不好?)
e. 以 Let’s 起首的祈使句出現時,恆以 shall we 形成反問。
Let ’s take a break, shall we? (我們休息一下,好不好?)
Let ’s not fight, shall we? (我們別吵了,好不好?)
3. 敘述句含有 scarcely 、 hardly 、 rarely 、 little 、 never 、 by no means 等否定副詞(片語)時,該敘述句視為否定句,須接肯定反問句。
John can hardly sing, can he?
Seldom does he sing, does he?
4. 敘述句含有片語助動詞 would rather (寧願)和 had better (最好)時,以第一個字形成反問;片語助動詞若為 ought to (應當)時,則反問句須用 shouldn’t 。
You would rather stay here, wouldn ’t you?
He had better not do it, had he?
5. 注意否定反問句中 not 的位置:
He is nice, isn ’ t he / is he not? (而非 is not he )
He can do it, can ’ t he / can he not? (而非 can not he )
He left, didn ’ t he / did he not? (而非 did not he )
6. 敘述句中,第一人稱單數主詞 I 表示意見或觀點(如 think 、 believe 、 guess 、 suppose 等)而接 that 子句時,以 that 子句形成反問。而敘述句若為 “I don’t think / believe (that) + S + V” 時,則反問的部分要用肯定句。
I think that he is nice, isn ’ t he? (而非 don’t I )
I don’t think that he can do it, can he? (而非 do I )
但主詞若為 I 以外的主詞,則應按句首形成反問。
You think that he is nice, don ’t you?
It is his belief that Peter will come, isn ’ t it?
7. 反問部分恆用代名詞:
Allen can hardly swim, can he? (而非 can Allen )
That / This is good, isn’t it? (而非 isn’t that / this )
There 起首的敘述句中,由於 There 是副詞而非代名詞,故仍應使用 there 而非 it 形成反問。
There is a man there, isn’t there? (而非 isn’t it )
8. need 與 dare 的用法
a. need (需要)可作一般動詞及助動詞,作一般動詞時可與肯定句或否定句並用,形成反問的方式與前述相同;作助動詞時與 not 並用,之後置原形動詞,此時反問部分應使用 need 。形成反問的方式如下:
He need not go, need he? ( need 為助動詞)
= He doesn ’t need to go, does he? ( need 為一般動詞)
b. dare (敢)可作一般動詞及助動詞,作一般動詞時可與肯定句或否定句並用,形成反問的方式與前述相同;作助動詞時與 not 並用,之後置原形動詞,此時反問部分應使用 dare 。形成反問的方式如下:
He dare not do it, dare he? ( dare 為助動詞)
= He doesn ’ t dare to do it, does he? ( dare 為一般動詞)
1. Those are your new neighbors, _____?
(A) aren’t those (B) aren’t they (C) are those (D) are they
2. Let’s go to the movies, _____?
(A) shall we (B) don’t we (C) will we (D) shouldn’t we
3. You don’t think that he will come to the party, _____?
(A) won’t you (B) do you (C) does he (D) won’t he
Ans:1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (B)
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