My boyfriend and I have been apart for more than three months. He went to study abroad, while I stayed here to work. When he first moved away, we spoke on the phone at least twice a day. Now, it’s less than three times a week. I can’t help but feel like we’re drifting apart. So, I’m going to jump on a plane and surprise him. Actions speak louder than words!
1 apart a. & adv. 不住在一起(的);(關係)分開(的)
I had never been apart from my family before going to college.
2 stay vi. 停留,留下
It’s pouring now, so I’m going to stay at my friend’s place for a while.
3 move away 搬走
move in / out 搬進新居 / 搬出去
Ever since Anthony moved away, I’ve lost contact with him.
We’re going to move out of this town this summer.
4 drift apart (關係)逐漸疏離,漸漸疏遠
drift vi. 漂移
After a few years, the two friends gradually drifted apart.
5 jump on... 搭上(飛機、火車、公車等大型公共交通工具)
Let’s jump on a plane and take a trip to Madrid!
6 surprise vt. 使驚喜,使感到意外
Tony decided to surprise his wife with a bouquet of roses.
7 Actions speak louder than words! 坐而言不如起而行!(諺語)
口語新技能 New Skills
1 表示「不禁……」的說法
can’t help but V 不禁……,忍不住……
= can’t help + V-ing
= can’t resist + V-ing
When I heard the joke, I couldn’t help but laugh.
= When I heard the joke, I couldn’t help laughing.
= When I heard the joke, I couldn’t resist laughing.