Hello, how's it going? This is Peter Lai.
我們今天要用到一個很棒的用法:“one of a kind”「獨樹一格的」。
同時,也可以介紹“stay of the art”就是 「很先進的、技術一流的」。
A: I like that electric car.
It's super beautiful and state-of-the-art.
What do you think, buddy?
B: I'm thrilled and proud of it.
It's made in China, and it's one of a kind.
所以一開頭他講了:I like that electric car.
我喜歡那一輛電動車。為什麼呢?It's super beautiful.
beautiful 前面加個 super,就是極端的,美極了。
and state-of-the-art,同時也是很先進。
裡面有很多的 It's full of high-tech equipment. 高科技的這些設備。
What do you think, buddy?
他就問道:哥們 buddy 老兄
你的看法是怎麼樣 What do you think?
千萬不要用 How do you think?
How do you think 就變成你怎麼用,用什麼東西來想,用腦筋,還是用心臟來想。
一定要用 What do you think?
你覺得這個人怎麼樣? What do you think of him?
好了 回答的人就這樣講了:I'm thrilled.
thrilled 就是興奮極了;很過癮。
and proud of it 同時也以這個車子為榮
It's made in China, 它是中國製造
And it's one of a kind.
one of a kind 就是獨樹一格,跟人家就是不一樣。
我們可以這樣講 His voice is one of a kind.
好來把這個對話再來一遍 跟著這樣唸
A: I like that electric car.
It's super beautiful and sstate-of-the-art.
What do you think, buddy?
B: I'm thrilled and proud of it.
It's made in China, and it's one of a kind.
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The control panel uses all the newest technology and is considered state-of-the-art.
I’m proud of my dad. He takes good care of his family.