搭配筆記聆聽會話 Listen to the text with the help of the notes given
schedule 行程
land 降落
by noon 在中午之前
serve 供應 (餐點)
on the way home 在回家路上
再次聆聽並回答問題 Listen again and answer the questions below
Questions for discussion:
What type of transportation will the man take?
Will the man have breakfast with the woman?
What day will the man and woman meet?
實用會話 Dialogue
A Hi, Richard. What’s the schedule for Saturday? B I will have landed at the airport by noon. A Will you have eaten when I pick you up? B I think they will serve breakfast on the plane. A So, maybe we could get lunch on the way home? B Sounds good. A Cool. See you on Saturday!
A 嗨,理查。你星期六的行程是什麼? B 我將於中午之前抵達機場。 A 我去接你時,你將已經用過餐了嗎? B 我想他們會在飛機上提供早餐。 A 那麼,或許我們可以在回家路上吃午餐? B 聽起來不錯。 A 太好了。星期六見!
單字片語 Vocabulary and Phrases
1schedulen. 行程表;進度表;時刻表
a tight schedule忙碌的行程 on schedule按照進度 behind schedule進度落後 ahead of schedule進度超前 a bus / train schedule公車 / 火車時刻表
= a bus / train timetable
2landvi.(搭機、船等)抵達;(飛機)降落 take off (飛機)起飛 We will land at Sydney Airport at 7 a.m. local time. 我們將於當地時間早上七點飛抵雪梨機場。 The plane landed / took off on schedule. 該班飛機按行程計畫降落 / 起飛。
3airport n. 機場
4noon n. 中午,正午
= midday
5servevt. 供應(餐點) serve breakfast / lunch / dinner 供應早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 The waiter will serve your food in a few minutes. 幾分鐘後就會有服務生過來為您上菜。
6get lunch 吃午餐
表 「吃午餐」,動詞 「吃」 除了可以使用 get 之外,亦可用 have 或 grab,不過grab 較有因時間緊湊所以匆匆找東西來吃之意。
have lunch 吃午餐
grab lunch 趕緊隨便吃個午餐
實用詞句 Useful Expressions
1 表示「(開車)載某人」的說法
pick sb up (開車)載某人 Will your boyfriend pick you up today?
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