What groups of people are affected by the glass ceiling effect the most?
What is one of the reasons that caused the glass ceiling effect?
We use the glass ceiling metaphor to describe the phenomenon where certain groups of people are unable to reach the top in an organization. In most cases, these people are women (or minorities) who can only rise to the level of middle management in a company. They can see the top and they hope they can reach it. But, in fact, there is an invisible barrier that keeps them from getting there. We all wish that there were no glass ceiling; unfortunately, however, it’s still quite common.
But what causes it? One reason is that, because many senior management positions in companies are already occupied by men, there is an unconscious prejudice against women joining their “boys’ club.” Another possible reason is that women have more family commitments, so are less likely to compete for higher-paying jobs with better perks. We must all work together and hope that the glass ceiling can be shattered soon!
1 the glass ceiling (effect) 玻璃天花板 (效應)
ceiling n. 天花板
effect. n. 效應;影響;結果
2 metaphor n. 隱喻,暗喻
simile n. 明喻
3 top n.(公司、組織中)最重要的職位;最高的地位
4 minority n. 少數民族 / 群體;少數
5 middle management 中階管理階層
management n. 管理階層
6 invisible a. 無形的;肉眼看不見的
visible a. 顯而易見的;肉眼可見的
7 barrier n. 障礙 (物)
the language barrier 語言障礙
be a barrier to... 是……的障礙 / 絆腳石
= be an obstacle to...
= be a hindrance to...
Being too arrogant is the biggest barrier to success.
8 senior management 高階管理階層
= top management
senior a. 地位較高的
9 occupy vt. 擔任(職位);占據
(三態為:occupy, occupied, occupied)
Mr. White occupies an important position in the company.
10 unconscious a. 未意識到的;不省人事的
11 prejudice n. 偏見,成見
have a prejudice against... 對……有偏見
12 commitment n. 承諾要做的事;必須要做的事
family / work commitments 家庭義務 / 工作承諾
13 compete vi. 競爭
compete (with sb) for sth
(與某人) 競爭某物
An estimated 200 contestants will compete for the championship.
14 shatter vt. & vi.(使)粉碎,(使)破碎
Jonathan dropped the picture frame by accident and shattered the glass.