
聖誕老人學校開課囉~! Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School: A School with a Difference

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聖誕老人學校開課囉~! Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School:  A School with a Difference
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文章主講 賴世雄, Jennifer

In the city of Midland, Michigan in the northern United States sits the Charles W. Howard (CWH) Santa Claus School. This is not a school that children attend to learn grammar and fractions but one which adults travel to once a year. There, they learn how to play the role of Santa Claus.


fraction [ ˈfrækʃən ] n. 分數(數學概念)

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聖誕老人學校開課囉~! Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School:  A School with a Difference

For better or worse, Christmas is a profitable business in the modern world, particularly in the US. Therefore, during winter, thousands of people across the country are hired by businesses to put on Santa’s famous red cloak, red hat, and white beard. These Santas will appear at public spaces, where starry-eyed children sit on their knees and dreamily recite    their lists of all the wonderful Christmas gifts they desire.


for better or (for) worse 不管是好是壞
cloak [ klok ] n. 披風;斗篷
starry-eyed [ ˈstɑrɪˌaɪd ] a. 天真爛漫的



聖誕老人學校開課囉~! Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School:  A School with a Difference

Given this demand, the CWH Santa Claus School is dedicated to training adults to be the best Santa Claus they can be. Started by Charles Howard himself in New York in 1937, the school has a mission to uphold the traditional image and preserve the history of Santa Claus. Meanwhile, it also teaches students how to incorporate their personalities into the role.

有鑑於這種需求,CWH 聖誕老人學校致力於訓練成年人扮演成最棒的聖誕老人。該校由查爾斯.霍華德本人於 1937 年在紐約創立,其使命一直在於維護聖誕老人的傳統形象以及保存聖誕老人的歷史。同時,該校也教導學生如何將自己的個性融入角色裡。

uphold [ ʌpˈhold ] vt. 維護,維持(法規、制度等)
preserve [ prɪˈzɝv ] vt. 保存


聖誕老人學校開課囉~! Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School:  A School with a Difference

The school was relocated to a new place in Midland by its current manager, Tom Valent, in 1986. It now offers a three-day crash course every October for aspiring Santa Clauses to learn under the guidance of Valent and other instructors. The curriculum includes such content as singing, toy production, and even reindeer care. 

1986 年,該校被現任經理人湯姆.維藍特遷移到米德蘭的新址。現在,該校每年十月提供為期三天的速成班,讓有志成為聖誕老人者在維藍特和其他教練的指導下學習。課程內容包括唱歌、玩具製作,甚至是馴鹿照護等。

a crash course 速成班,短期培訓課程
instructor [ ɪnˈstrʌktɚ ] n. 教練;指導員;講師
reindeer [ ˈrenˌdɪr ] n. 馴鹿(單複數同形)

The CWH Santa School is dubbed the “Harvard of Santa schools,” and there are good reasons why the school enjoys such a glowing reputation. In addition to being a family-run operation, it recruits Santa teachers from all over the world to hand down knowledge about how to be the very best Santa Claus.

CWH 聖誕老人學校被稱為「聖誕老人學校界的哈佛大學」,而這所學校享有的如此盛譽其來有自。它不僅是一家家族企業,還招募了來自世界各地的聖誕老人師資,以傳授如何成為最優秀聖誕老人的知識。

dub [ dVb ] vt. 把⋯⋯稱作
glowing [ ˈgloɪŋ ] a. 熱烈讚揚的


更好奇這些準聖誕老人們的日常生活嗎?The CWH Santa School 也有開立一個IG帳號 @cwhsantaschool ,點進去瞧瞧吧!




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Mark Darvill
Mark Darvill
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