
阿里山水漾森林|探尋凋亡之美 Mountain Views and Wooded Settings in Alishan

#臺灣 #休閒旅遊
12/28 解析英語
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阿里山水漾森林|探尋凋亡之美 Mountain Views and Wooded Settings in Alishan
>> 遊客過度旅遊 居民苦不堪言 Overwhelmed by Overtourism【本篇為全程英文講解】

文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

A trip to the Alishan Mountain Range is full of fun and exciting things to do. Of course there are views of Alishan, or Mt. Ali, and plenty of tea, but there are also many mountain trails to choose from and even places to camp. One of the most popular treks is the Zhushan sunrise hike.


trek [ trɛk ] n. 長途跋涉;健行

Not only is the hike easy, but it takes only about an hour to get to the viewing platform. That means you don’t have to wake up too early to catch a glimpse of the sunrise. If you want a view of the highest peak in the park, head to the Tashan Trail. This is a more difficult hike, but it is rewarding. Tashan, as well as Yushan, Taiwan’s highest mountain, should be visible.


head to... 前往……
rewarding [ rɪˈwɔrdɪŋ ] a. 值得的;有意義的

「新朋友獨享~3個月打造英語耳」樂讀方案,小量訂閱常春藤解析英語雜誌 3 期>>

If you want to spend a bit more time in Alishan’s stunning woods, you can camp in the Shuiyang Forest. This area was transformed by the devastating 921 earthquake in 1999, when much of the forest was flooded. Most of the trees in the area remained standing but died due to the environmental impact. Today, the forest is described as spooky and eerie because of the dead tree trunks that rise out of the lake.

如果你想要花多一點時間待在阿里山迷人的森林中,你可以在水漾森林裡露營。這個區域被 1999 年毀滅性的九二一地震大大改變了,當時這座森林有一大部分都淹水。該區域大多數的樹仍然矗立,不過卻因為那場環境衝擊而死亡。如今,這座森林因從湖中聳立的死亡樹幹而被形容為陰森怪異。

stunning [ ˈstʌnɪŋ ] a. 極吸引人的,極美麗的
spooky [ ˈspukɪ ] a. 令人毛骨悚然的
eerie [ ˈɪrɪ ] a. 怪異可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的

阿里山水漾森林|探尋凋亡之美 Mountain Views and Wooded Settings in Alishan

If that hasn’t scared you off, you can camp by the Shuiyang Forest Lake. You’ll have to hike in with all your equipment and food, but because it is so remote—it takes about four hours to get to the campsite from the trailhead—you may have the place to yourself. Alishan has a reputation for being busy, but there are some places there where you can escape the crowds and enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the Alishan woods. 

如果你還沒被嚇跑,那你可以在水漾森林湖邊露營。你必須要帶上所有裝備和食物入山,但因為它很偏遠 ── 從登山口到露營地需約四個小時 ── 你或許可以獨享那個地方。阿里山是出了名的人聲雜沓,但還是有一些能夠讓你逃離人群、享受阿里山森林祥和寧靜的地方。

trailhead [ ˈtrelˌhɛd ] n. 登山口
tranquility [ træŋˈkwɪlətɪ ] n. 平靜,安寧




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Lauren McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy
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