
惡意軟體博物館 無痛體驗古早病毒 The Malware Museum

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惡意軟體博物館 無痛體驗古早病毒 The Malware Museum
這些病毒純粹 是為了製造麻煩,經常鎖住受感染的系統,或是刪光硬碟的內容
>> ✶奇妙的龍蝦世界 For the Love of Lobsters


文章主講 Angela, Wesley

Modern malware is sneaky . Different kinds of malware can do anything from tracking keystrokes hoping to get useful information to stealing just a little bit of ad revenue or system resources. Back in the 1990s, however, computer viruses were not nearly as sophisticated . If today’s malware were a criminal, it would be a con artist or even a gentleman thief. Early viruses were more like vandals breaking windows with rocks.

These early viruses were usually flashy and included custom graphics—even their creators’ names—as part of their function. They were all about causing trouble and would often lock down affected systems or delete all the contents of a hard drive. And for the most part , computer hackers did this just for fun. They caused trouble just because they could. It was a unique time in the history of technology, and like many other unique eras, it even has its own museum.

The Malware Museum was established by a cyber security expert named Mikko Hyppönen and a computer historian named Jason Scott. Hyppönen has collected old viruses for many years. And even though they are no longer dangerous to most computers, he has deactivated the harmful code and just left the rest of the viruses’ function. Without any threat of deleting a victim’s hard drive, the viruses are almost like works of art. Most include graphics or animations, and they act as a reminder of a simpler time on the internet.

The museum exists exclusively online where visitors—who have flocked to the website by the thousands—can see examples of another era of computer culture. And though the viruses were often far more destructive than today’s malware, Hyppönen acknowledges that they were rarely done as part of organized crime but by “happy hackers,” who were pushing the limits of what was possible on the web.

1. How does the author begin the passage?

(A) By telling a fictional story.

(B) By asking readers a question.

(C) By comparing and contrasting.

(D) By using an attention-grabbing quote.

2. The sentences in paragraph 3 are numbered to . Write down the NUMBER of the sentence that best indicates how the Malware Museum protects computers from getting infected.


3. Where can you find the Malware Museum?


4. Fill in the blanks with the information contained in the passage.

  Early Viruses Modern Malware
They are compared to ____ⓐ____

 - con artists

 - gentlemen thieves

What do they do?

 - lock down affected systems

 - delete all the contents of a hard drive

 - track keystokes

 - ____ⓑ____


★ 中文翻譯僅供參考,請勿逐字逐句對照

現代惡意軟體很會暗中搞鬼。不同種類的惡意軟體會耍各種花招,從記錄按鍵動作以求取得有用的訊息,到竊取一丁點的廣告收益或系統資源,手段不一而足。然而,在 1990 年代,電腦病毒遠不及那麼精密。如果今天的惡意軟體是罪犯,那它會是個騙子,或甚至是個紳士怪盜。早期的病毒則比較像是拿石頭砸窗戶的破壞分子。

這些早期的病毒通常很招搖,還包含自製圖案 ── 甚至還有製作者的名字 ── 為病毒功能的一部分。這些病毒純粹是為了製造麻煩,經常鎖住受感染的系統,或是刪光硬碟的內容。一般來說,電腦駭客這麼做只是為了好玩。他們製造麻煩只是因為他們辦得到。這是科技史上的獨特時期,而且它甚至有自己的博物館,如同許多其他的獨特年代。



1. 作者如何帶出本文?

(A) 述說虛構的故事。

(B) 問讀者問題。

(C) 運用對照跟對比的手法。

(D) 使用吸睛的引文。

答案 : C

2. 第三段的句子有標上 的編號。哪一句最能表明惡意軟體博物館保護電腦不受感染的方法?請寫下該句的編號。

答案 :

3. 你可以在哪裡找到惡意軟體博物館?

答案 : online / on the internet / on the web

4. 將本文包含的資訊填入空格。

  早期病毒 現代惡意軟體
它們被比喻成 ____ⓐ____

 - 騙子

 - 紳士怪盜


 - 鎖住受感染的系統

 - 刪光硬碟內容

 - 紀錄按鍵動作

 - ____ⓑ____

答案 : ⓐ vandals breaking windows with rocks

ⓑ steal just a little bit of ad revenue or system resources

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Daniel Howard
Daniel Howard
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