
★ 為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple!

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 科普園地   電子報精選文章 

文章主講 Karen, Wesley

Many people claim that Taiwan is a fruit paradise. In fact, it would take quite a while to list all the wonderful kinds of fruit grown here. In addition, due to the subtropical climate in the north, tropical climate in the south, and temperate and alpine climates in its mountainous areas, fruits such as fresh pineapples, bananas, and oranges can be found year-round in markets alongside apples, pears, and peaches—hence the moniker fruit paradise.

很多人說臺灣是水果天堂。事實上,要列出這裡種植的所有美妙水果需要花上不少時間。此外,由於北部屬亞熱帶氣候、南部屬熱帶氣候,而山區屬溫帶和高山氣候,一年到頭都可以在市場上找到新鮮的鳳梨、香蕉、橙等水果與蘋果、梨子和桃子陳列在一起 ─ 因此臺灣有水果天堂之稱。

mountainous [ ˈmaʊntnə̩s ] a. 山區的,多山的
alongside [ əˈlɔŋˌsaɪd ] prep. 與⋯⋯並排


為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple!

One of the tropical, hot-weather fruits grown in Taiwan is the pineapple. Whether it’s eaten fresh or cooked, its tangy taste is almost universally welcome. Many people find the taste of pineapple irresistible, but despite its addictive flavor and attractive honey-yellow appearance, pineapple isn’t always a treat. Especially when eaten fresh, this fruit can consume its consumer!


universally [ ˌjunəˈvɝsl̩ɪ ] adv. 普遍地
addictive [ əˈdɪktɪv ] a. 使人上癮的
consume [ kənˈsum ] vt. 吃;喝;消耗

Come again? No, pineapples don’t have teeth, but they do contain the enzyme bromelain. Enzymes occur in many foods. Nature designed them to break down proteins essential for all animal health, including ours. Bromelain dissolves the protective mucus covering the inside of the mouth, resulting in a burning or stinging sensation. Pineapple lovers need not panic, though. There are a few methods used to reduce the pain caused by this acidic food.


dissolve [ dɪˈzɑlv ] vt. & vi. 分解,溶解
a stinging sensation  刺痛感
stinging [ ˈstɪŋɪŋ ] a. 刺痛的;會螫人的
sensation [ sɛnˈseʃən ] n. 感覺
panic [ ˈpænɪk ] vi. 驚慌
acidic [ əˈsɪdɪk ] a. 酸性的


為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple!

One such method is to just cook the fruit. Heating food to above 50°C will inactivate most enzymes, including bromelain. Another way to avoid the pineapple’s bite is by not eating the hard, central core of the peeled fruit. That is where bromelain is the most concentrated. Furthermore, you can also soak pineapple chunks in salt water before eating. Now you can freely enjoy this delicious fruit without worrying about being eaten in return .

其中一個方法就是把這種水果拿去煮。將食物加熱到50ºC 以上會使大多數的酶失去活性,包括鳳梨蛋白酶。另一種避免鳳梨咬舌的方法是不要吃去皮後的堅硬鳳梨心。那裡是鳳梨蛋白酶最集中的地方。此外,你還可以先把切塊鳳梨浸過鹽水再吃。現在你可以自在享用這種美味的水果而不用擔心被反咬了。

inactivate [ ɪnˈæktəˌvet ] vt. 使失去活性
concentrated [ ˈkɑnsn̩ˌtretɪd ] a. 集中的;濃縮的

  1. What is the purpose of the second paragraph?
    (A) To explain why pineapples have their tangy taste.
    (B) To contrast hot-weather fruits from coolweather fruits.
    (C) To explain how pineapples develop their coloring.
    (D) To introduce the disadvantage of eating pineapples.5
    contrast [ kənˈtræst ] vt. 使成對比/對照
  2. According to the passage, which of the following is true about bromelain?
    (A) It is a taste that is irresistible.
    (B) It is a moniker of pineapples.
    (C) It is found naturally in pineapples.
    (D) It is activated when heated to temperatures over 50°C.
  3. The Wang family wants to enjoy pineapples, but wants to avoid a painful experience. Hence, each of them proposed a way to solve the problem. According to the passage, which of the following methods does NOT work?
(A) 為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple! A pineapple’s core contains the highest levels of bromelain, so let’s cut it out completely.
(B) 為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple! The best way to stop pineapple from burning our tongues is to cook it. Let’s have pineapple fried rice tonight.
(C) 為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple! Just cut the peeled pineapple into small chunks to make sure that the bromelain in it gets totally broken down.
(D) 為什麼鳳梨會咬舌? Beware the Tongue-burning Pineapple! Before eating any pineapple, we’d better put it in some salt water. The salt water can destroy the bromelain in it.


延伸學習|irresistible 的相關衍生字及用法

irresistible [ ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl̩  ] a. 令人無法抗拒的

  1. resistible [ rɪˈzɪstəbl̩ ] a. 可抵抗的,可抗拒的
  2. resistant [ rɪˈzɪstənt ] a. 有抵抗力的;抗拒的
    be resistant to...  對⋯⋯有抵抗力;抗⋯⋯的
  3. resistance [ rɪˈzɪstəns ] n. 抵抗力;抵抗,排斥
  4. resist [ rɪˈzɪst ] vt. 抵抗,抗拒
    can’t resist V-ing  無法抗拒/禁不住⋯⋯


Ans: 1. D 2. C 3. C

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Bruce E. Bagnell
Bruce E. Bagnell