現在市面上的手機型號琳瑯滿目, 在挑選手 機時, 每個人的考量點也都不同。 如果你要挑 選列表中的兩支手機, 你會選擇哪一支?請以此 為主題, 寫一篇英文作文, 文長至少 120 個單 詞( words)。 文分兩段, 第一段闡明表格內容 及兩支手機的相異之處, 第二段則說明你會選擇 哪一支手機, 以及在挑選手機時主要的考量點。
1. 第一段:闡明表格內容及兩支手機的相異之處。
- 描述表格主要呈現兩支手機在價格、尺寸,以及其他像是容量、電池續航力等特色的比較。 - 指出 Ivy Phone 6 除了在手機容量上占優勢外,其他方面都不如 Enjoy S8。
2. 第二段:說明自己會選擇哪支手機,以及在挑選手機時主要的考量點。 - 說明自己會選擇哪支手機。
- 列出自己在挑選手機時主要的考量點,以作為選擇的依據。
a. 螢幕大很重要:喜歡用手機閱讀。
b. 電池續航力長是必須的:可以不必常擔心電池會沒電。
c. 價格也是考量之一:對於沒多少零用錢的高中生而言更是如此。
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The description of the table: The table shows a comparison between two smartphone models, Ivy Phone 6 and Enjoy S8, in terms of their prices, sizes, and features such as storage, battery life, and water resistance.
The comparison of the two phones: (a) Ivy Phone 6 has more storage. (b) Enjoy S8 has a bigger screen and a longer battery life, and is water-resistant. |
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My choice: Between the two, I would opt for Enjoy S8.
The factors taken into account when I buy a phone: (a) The screen size matters most. (b) Longer battery life is essential. (c) Budget is also important. |
The pace of life in the countryside is slow and easy in comparison to big cities.
In comparison with my old one, my new motorcycle is really fast.
I am saving my pocket money to buy a computer.
In terms of music, I like jazz best.
Despite so many choices on the menu, Tim opted for a simple hamburger and fries.
Before criticizing Martin, you should take his inexperience into consideration.
The company allows its employees to wear casual clothes to work.
I've decided to buy this laptop because it checks all the boxes for me.