1. 款項的金額數目。(the amount of money)
2. 付款方式。(the type of payment)
3. 訂購的產品名稱。(the name of the product)
如要表示信中有附上支票,可以使用 :
e.g. A check for payment of invoice #9874-BV is included.(隨函附上發票編號 #9874-BV 的付款支票。)之類的句子表示。
該如何下筆呢? 可以參考以下: 1. 告知對方款項已匯出。(The amount of $22,867 has been transferred to your account.) 2. 說明付款時間及款項金額。 3. 要求對方確認收到款項。(Please confirm that you have received payment for...) |
Please find enclosed payment for (item).
e.g. Please find enclosed payment for the rotary dials we ordered.
A check for payment of invoice (#invoice number) is included.
e.g. A check for payment of invoice #9874-BV is included.
(隨函附上發票編號 9874-BV 的付款支票。)
The amount of (amount) has been transferred to your account.
e.g. The amount of $10,478 has been transferred to your company's account.
(金額為 10,478 美元的款項已匯入貴公司帳戶。)
A bank transfer of (amount) has been made.
e.g. A bank transfer of $5,608.76 has been made to the account number provided to us.
(銀行已將 5,608.76 美元的款項匯到您提供給我們的帳戶號碼。)
Please confirm that you have received payment of (amount).
e.g. Please confirm that you have received payment of $2,675.
(請確認您已收到金額為 2,675 美元的款項。)
入會及綁定LINE再享100元折價券 →
We ask that you provide confirmation of the payment of (amount).
e.g. We ask that you provide confirmation of the payment of $33,056.
(本公司要求您提供金額為 33,056 美元的付款證明。)
Please find enclosed a check for $200.
請隨函查收一張面額 200 美元的支票。
Gordon is one of our top-flight engineers.