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Back in the 1980s, when World No Tobacco Day was first created, the world was a much different place from how it is now. Although the dangers associated with cigarette smoking were known back then, a much larger percentage of the global population engaged in this harmful activity. To encourage people to quit smoking, the World Health Assembly (WHA) passed a resolution in 1987 that declared April 7, 1988, to be “a world nosmoking day.” People worldwide were encouraged to stop smoking for 24 hours on that day. After that, the WHA declared that the event should occur annually on May 31 and be officially called World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). Since then, the World Health Organization (WHO)—an agency governed by the WHA—has assumed responsibility for this yearly event.
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In addition to urging the public to quit smoking and highlighting the risks of smoking, the purpose of WNTD is to inform people about the business practices of tobacco companies. For instance, in 2008, under the theme “Tobacco-free youth,” the WHO emphasized the threat of tobacco promotion to young people and called for a worldwide ban on advertising. In 2023, the focus of the special day was “Grow food, not tobacco,” which was intended to push farmers to grow nutritious crops rather than tobacco.
Each year, the WHO uses the day to promote a wide range of projects aimed at reducing global smoking rates. Despite all these efforts, it is estimated that around eight million people still die annually from the effects of smoking, including 1.3 million deaths from second-hand smoke exposure. Obviously, the WHO’s work is still far from over.
What Did You Learn ?
Bob is determined to kick the habit of drinking too much coffee.
The two sides engaged in peace talks.
Success calls for hard work and some good luck.
Environmentalists are calling for immediate action to combat global warming.
The situation calls for immediate action.
Scientists around the world are calling for water conservation.
I'll call for you at seven o'clock.
I'll pick you up at seven o'clock.
This French course is intended to introduce students to the French language.
The girl died from head injuries.
The poor young man died of lung cancer.
What Elaine said was far from the truth.
assume responsibility
擔起責任(亦可寫成 take on responsibility)
Responsibility n. 責任
• In emergencies, medical professionals must assume responsibility for providing immediate assistance.
以下介紹名詞 responsibility 的搭配用法:
a. have responsibility for... 有⋯⋯的責任
• Store managers have responsibility for ensuring customer satisfaction.
b. shoulder responsibility 肩負責任
• When faced with setbacks, a leader should shoulder responsibility and find solutions.
c. take responsibility for... 為⋯⋯負責
• The CEO stepped down to take responsibility for financial losses.
d. exercise responsibility 履行責任
• Leaders in an organization should exercise responsibility for fair decisionmaking.
e. It is sb’s responsibility to V ⋯⋯是某人的責任
• It’s the government’s responsibility to ensure public safety.
回到 1980 年代,世界無菸日首次設立,當時的世界與現在大相逕庭。儘管當時人們已經知道吸菸相關的危害,但全球仍有更大比例的人口從事這項有害活動。為了鼓勵人們戒菸,世界衛生大會於 1987 年通過一項決議,宣布1988 年四月七日為「世界禁菸日(a world no-smoking day)」。世界各地的人們都被鼓勵在這一天的二十四小時內停止吸菸。此後,世界衛生大會宣布該活動應於每年的五月三十一日舉行,並正式命名為世界無菸日(World No Tobacco Day)。自此,世界衛生組織 ── 由世界衛生大會所管理的機構 ── 擔負起這項年度活動的責任。
除了敦促民眾戒菸並強調吸菸的風險外,世界無菸日旨在讓人們了解菸草公司的商業行為。例如在 2008 年,世界衛生組織以「無菸青少年」為主題,強調推銷菸草對年輕人的威脅,並呼籲全球禁止廣告。2023 年,這個特殊日子的重點是「種糧食、不種菸草」,旨在鼓勵農民種植營養作物而不是種植菸草。
1. To encourage people to quit smoking.
2. 2008.