影視娛樂 4 分鐘閱讀
Stephen, Minnie
A: Amy D: Dean
本圖提供 Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com
A: Did you watch the BTS livestream last night? I recorded it and have watched it three times already.
你昨晚有看 BTS 的線上直播嗎?我把整場都錄了下來,而且已經重看三次了。
D: What are you talking about, Amy?
A: BTS! They’re the biggest band in the world. They are bigger than the Beatles. They are bigger than Jay-Z, Drake, and Taylor Swift combined.
防彈少年團啊!他們是全世界最夯的團體。他們比披頭四還紅。他們比 Jay-Z、德瑞克和泰勒絲這三人加在一起的人氣還更高。
D: I’m sorry, Amy. I’ve never heard of them. What kind of music do they play?
A: What! How come you’ve never heard of them? I can tell you that I’m the most devoted BTS stan in Taiwan. I have all their merch like T-shirts, light sticks, and posters. I know the words to all their songs by heart.
什麼!你怎麼會從沒聽說過他們?我告訴你,我可是臺灣最死忠的 BTS 鐵粉。我有他們所有的周邊商品,像是 T 恤、手燈和海報等等。我還牢記了他們所有的歌詞呢。
D: You still haven’t answered my question. What kind of music do they play?
A: K-Pop. The best music in the world, duh!
D: So, have you ever attended one of their shows?
本圖提供 Sam the Leigh / Shutterstock.com
A: Of course! I signed up for the meet-and-greet, but too many people were crowding the group, so I didn’t get any autographs.
D: I see.
A: But I did get to take a selfie with the tour manager. Somehow he got me into the main floor section. Then I forced my way to the front and recorded the whole concert on my phone. It was the best day of my life.
BT21是由BTS防彈少年團成員和LINE FRIENDS攜手創造出的全新概念卡通角色,從最初的角色草圖(BTS成員創作),再經由LINE FRIENDS出手,搖身變成全球宇宙明星BT21。每次推出新產品,必會大賣!
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