影視娛樂 4 分鐘閱讀
Stevie, Laurie
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The Phantom of the Opera is a modern classic written by Gaston Leroux. It was based on several rumors about the old Paris Opera House. Leroux claimed that the theater was actually haunted and said parts of his book were based on true events. The story is about an opera house haunted by a ghost. However, the phantom is actually a disfigured young man whose only joy is music. Because of his ugly appearance, he has run away from society.
《 歌劇魅影》是一部由卡斯頓‧勒胡所撰寫的現代經典著作。它是根據幾則有關舊巴黎歌劇院的傳聞編寫而成。勒胡聲稱這個劇場實際上是鬧鬼的,還說他書中的某些章節是取自於真實事件。本書故事是關於一間鬧鬼的歌劇院。然而,這個幽靈其實是一名容貌遭毀的年輕人,其唯一樂趣就是音樂。他由於醜陋的外表而逃避社會。
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He even built a secret lair under the theater where he hides from the world. One day, he hears the beautiful voice of a young woman singing and falls madly in love. What follows is a tragic tale of mystery and romance. The story was adapted into a silent film in 1925, and in 1986, it was turned into a musical by the world-famous theater director Andrew Lloyd Webber. The musical is one of the most successful theater productions of all time. This November, The Phantom of the Opera will be at the Taipei Arena from November 19 to December 6. Don’t miss the chance to witness one of the world’s greatest musicals.
他甚至在歌劇院下方建造了一個祕密巢穴,躲在那裡以逃避世界。某天,他聽到了一位年輕女子的美妙歌聲,便瘋狂地愛上了她。接下來就是一段神祕且浪漫的淒美故事了。該故事先於 1925 年翻拍成一部默片,後來則由舉世聞名的劇場導演安德魯‧洛伊‧韋伯於 1986 年將它改編成音樂劇。這齣音樂劇是有史以來最成功的劇場作品之一。今年《歌劇魅影》將於本月的十九日至十二月六日進駐臺北小巨蛋上演。千萬不要錯過親眼目睹一齣世上最偉大音樂劇的機會。
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一場糾葛難分的經典音樂劇將再度給予臺灣觀眾視覺上的饗宴。這齣由安德魯‧洛伊‧韋伯一手打造、獲獎無數的作品,亦是百老匯史上最長壽的音樂劇;它於 2006 年打破了音樂劇《貓》的演出場次,更在 2018年巡演逾三十年、並歡慶其演出超過一萬三千場次。
《 歌劇魅影》的魅力,吸引了全球超過一億四千萬人在三十七個國家、一百七十二座城市欣賞,用十六種語言在各地上演。此外,其票房更是累積近六十億美元,遠遠超過幾部全球賣座的電影,如:Avatar 《阿凡達》、Titanic 《鐵達尼號》、The Lord of the Rings 《魔戒》等,且數字還不斷在累計攀升中。若屆時有空,不妨至臺北小巨蛋支持這項優質的藝文活動,並親身體會《歌劇魅影》無與倫比的奇幻魔力。
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